IRS-1D - Wikipedia
IRS-1D is the seventh satellite in Indian Remote Sensing satellite series of Earth Observation satellites, built, launched and maintained by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). The satellite has similar capabilities as that of ISRO's IRS-1C satellite with some improvements added for better imagery particularly in thematic mapping .
IRS-1D - Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
IRS – 1D, a follow on satellite to IRS – 1C belongs to the second generation of IRS series of Satellites. It has 3 payloads viz., PAN, LISS 3 & WiFS. It has similar capabilities as IRC – 1C in terms of spatial resolution, spectral bands, stereoscopic imaging, wide …
IRS-1D - Earth Online - European Space Agency
IRS-1D was an Earth-imaging satellite from the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) which launched on 29 September 1997 and ceased operations in 2010. The IRS (Indian Remote Sensing) satellites form a large family of Earth observation satellites operated by ISRO.
IRS-1C and IRS-1D - Earth Online - European Space Agency
IRS-1C and IRS-1D were identical Earth-imaging satellites launched two years apart: IRS-1C was launched in 1995 and ceased operations in 2007; IRS-1D was launched in 1997 and ceased operations in 2010
遥感学习笔记(七)——其他常见卫星简介 - CSDN博客
2021年6月22日 · JERS-1发射于1992年2月11日,它是一颗将光学传感器(OPS)和合成孔径雷达系统(SAR)置于同一平台上的卫星,主要用途是观测地球陆域,进行地学研究等。 近圆形、近极地、太阳同步、中等高度轨道。 轨道高度为568km,每圈运行96min,每天绕地球15圈。 【可见光近红外辐射计】 VNR有四个波段: 0.52~0.60μm. 0.63~0.69μm. 0.76~0.80μm 垂直观测地面. 0.76~0.80μm 水平观测地面. 地面分辨率为18~24米,视场为75km,均为CCD扫描仪(每行 …
IRS (Indian Remote Sensing Satellites) - eoPortal
2024年7月19日 · An ISRO mission with the objective to acquire remote sensing data for oceanographic, land, and atmospheric applications (demonstration of the IRS-1C/1D bus). The spacecraft is three-axis stabilized using conically scanning Earth sensors and dynamically tuned gyros for attitude sensing, and reaction wheels, magnetic torquers and monopropellent ...
IRS-1D Overview - Earth Online - European Space Agency
IRS-1D is a three-axis body-stabilised spacecraft. The attitude is sensed by star sensors, Earth sensors and gyros. IRS-1C and IRS-ID introduced a heavier, more capable Earth observation platform.
IRS-1C/1D (Indian Remote Sensing Satellites-1C/1D) - eoPortal
2012年6月1日 · IRS-1C is an ISRO-built (Indian Space Research Organization) second-generation remote sensing satellite with enhanced capabilities in terms of spatial resolution and spectral bands. IRS-1C and IRS-1D are three-axis body-stabilized spacecraft (identical twins). The attitude is sensed by star sensors, Earth sensors and gyros.
国外常见卫星——印度IRS系列卫星 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2022年11月9日 · 其中,IRS-1A,IRS-1B为第一代,携带的LISS-1和LISS-2传感器分辨率为72和36米;IRS-1C,IRS-1D为第二代运行卫星,全色波段分辨率为5.8米;P4和P6分别为海洋和资源卫星,P5为高分立体测图卫星,携带两个2.5米全色传感器。 P6主要参数: 工作寿命:5年。 1988年印度发射第一颗IRS卫星,此后又发射了多颗IRS系列卫星:IRS-1A,IRS-1B,IRS-1C,IRS-1D,IRS-P2,P3,P4,P5,P6。 其中,IRS-1A,IRS-1B为第一代,携带的LISS-1和LISS-2传感器分辨率 …
IRS – 1D, a follow on satellite to IRS – 1C belongs to the second generation of IRS series of Satellites. It has 3 payloads viz., PAN, LISS 3 & WiFS. It has similar capabilities as IRC – 1C in terms of spatial resolution, spectral bands, stereoscopic imaging, wide field coverage and revisit capability. The improvements carried out in the ...