Imperial Security Bureau | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Imperial Security Bureau (ISB), also referred to as the Imperial Security Office or the Imperial Secret Service, was an internal security and intelligence agency of the Galactic Empire that …
ISB Agent - Star Wars Battlefront Wiki
ISB stands for the Imperial Security Bureau, which was a clandestine law enforcement and intelligence agency for the Empire that employed secret agents who were skilled in combat …
Blaise (ISB Agent) | Wookieepedia - Fandom
Blaise was an Imperial Security Bureau agent and interrogator active during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He had a reputation of being very ruthless in his interrogations. At some …
Imperial Security Bureau officers - Wookieepedia | Fandom
Individuals having held commissioned rank within the Imperial Security Bureau.
Imperial Security Bureau | Star Wars Databank | StarWars.com
The Imperial Security Bureau operates in the shadows, a secret task force activated to ensure order after the formation of the Empire. Represented by officers like Supervisor Dedra Meero …
Alexsandr Kallus | Star Wars Rebels Wiki | Fandom
Alexsandr Kallus (former codename ISB-021 and rebel codename Fulcrum) was an Human male Agent of the Imperial Security Bureau before becoming a rebel spy for the Alliance to Restore …
Imperial Security Bureau | Star Wars Rebels Wiki | Fandom
The Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) was an agency of secret police, who monitored and maintained citizens' loyalty to the Galactic Empire. ISB agents were often placed in command …
ISB Agent - D6Holocron
2011年12月7日 · After university, you entered service in the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB). Because of your background as an upper class Coreworlder, you were transferred to the ISB …
Imperial Security Bureau | The Imperial Archives Wiki | Fandom
The Imperial Security Bureau (ISB), is the police/law enforcement organization in The Empire. It is the sister branch to Imperial Intelligence and they work together in maintaining peace within …
ISB Agent | Star Wars Saga Edition Wiki | Fandom
Although ISB Agents cannot stand against true military power, they are more than adequate to intimidate the local populace and low-level officials. Since they are not elite fighting units, ISB …