International Standard Bibliographic Description - Wikipedia
The International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) is a set of rules produced by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) to create a bibliographic description in a standard, human-readable form, especially for …
This supplement to the consolidated edition of the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) provides full examples in sixteen languages of cataloguing, i.e., the languages used for notes and other non-transcribed parts of the description.
International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD)
2021年12月25日 · ISBD is organized into eight distinct “areas” of description, each serving a specific purpose: ISBD offers a systematic approach to cataloging information resources within this structured framework, ensuring clarity and coherence in bibliographic representation across various contexts. The objectives of ISBD are twofold:
About the ISBD - IFLA
The International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) is intended to serve as a principal standard to promote universal bibliographic control, that is, to make universally and promptly available, in a form that is internationally acceptable, basic bibliographic data for all published and unpublished resources in all countries.
International Standard Bibliographic Description - CLARIN
ISBD specifies the requirements for description and identification of single-part resources and multipart resources. Generally, it coveres the following types of resources: The ISBD specification has 8 areas of descriptions:
ISBD International Standard Bibliographic Description : 2021 …
IFLA International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) is the standard that specifies the requirements for the description and identification of published and unpublished resources that are likely to appear in library collections.
ISBD | PPT - SlideShare
2017年12月31日 · It describes the key elements and areas of cataloging records based on the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) and Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2). The document explains original versus copy cataloging and highlights standards like punctuation, order of elements, and uniformity across languages.
This supplement to the preliminary consolidated edition of the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) provides full examples in sixteen languages of cataloguing, i.e., the languages used for notes and other non-transcribed parts of the description. The purpose of the supplement is to
0.B. Elements of description | International Association of Sound …
Order of the elements of description. The order of the elements of description is based as closely as possible upon the order prescribed in the ISBD (NBM). Elements are grouped into the following: 1. Title and statement of responsibility. 2. Edition, issue, etc. 3. Publication, production , distribution, broadcast, etc., and date (s) of creation.
International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD)
2012年8月9日 · ISBD is divided into 8 "areas" of description: title and statement of responsibility; edition; material or type of resource specific; publication, production, distribution, etc; physical description; series; note; and resource identifier and terms of availability.