Find out who to call when you have a concern. Where to get advice and support. If you are a member of the public who has concerns about a child's welfare or safety, and if that child is in Guernsey or Alderney, call the Multi Agency Support Hub (MASH) on 01481 223182. Out of office hours, contact the Emergency Duty Team on 01481 222222.
Threshold Framework - Child Protection Guidelines - iscp.gg
It is an essential tool that underpins the local vision to promote the welfare and safety of vulnerable children and young people by providing targeted services at the earliest opportunity through to specialist and statutory interventions when these are required. The Threshold Framework can be downladed here ISCP Threshold Framework [737kb]
Training 2025 - Child Protection Guidelines - ISCP
2025年1月28日 · The ISCP offer three levels of training: basic awareness (e-learning); safeguarding children (general principles), working together (multi-agency processes) and specialist focus workshops on key safeguarding themes.
Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report 2020
The Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership (ISCP) has published its annual report for 2020. The purpose of the ISCP is to ensure agencies work well together to keep children safe. The 2020 report highlights the achievements of 2020.
Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership - States of Guernsey - GOV.GG
Providing information and advice about what you can do and who can help if you are concerned about yourself or a child/young person you know.
Safeguarding Children Partnership website - iscp.gg or iscp.gg/worried -about -a-child. If you are working with children, parents or carers you have an important part to play in safeguarding and protecng children. As you see them regularly you may noce suspicious injuries or changes in behaviour that cause concern.
Parental Responsibility - Child Protection Guidelines - ISCP
Under the Law, Parental Responsibility consists of 7 duties of a parent to a child (defined as someone under 18): These duties are to be performed as far as is practicable, in the interests of the child and taking account of the child's own evolving capacity.
The Islands Safeguarding Children... - The States of Guernsey - Facebook
The Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership (ISCP) has published its annual report for 2020. The purpose of the ISCP is to ensure agencies work well together to keep children safe. Read more: https://www.gov.gg/ISCP-annual-report-2020
Safeguarding - The Ladies' College, Guernsey
ISCP (Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership) The ISCP is a multi-agency committee with representatives from the public, private and voluntary sectors. It was given legal status in the Children (Guernsey and Alderney) Law, 2008.
Strategy discussion - Child Protection Guidelines
Strategy discussions should be thought of as a process rather than a one-off event. They are the means for keeping relevant professionals involved in a child protection enquiry. An investigation is different to an assessment, in that the consent of parents to interview the child and share information with other agencies is not necessary.