ISO 18587:2017 - Translation services — Post-editing of machine ...
ISO 18587:2017 provides requirements for the process of full, human post-editing of machine translation output and post-editors' competences. ISO 18587:2017 is intended to be used by TSPs, their clients, and post-editors.
BS ISO 18587:2017-翻译服务 机器翻译输出的后期编辑 要求-国家 …
2017年4月12日 · BS ISO 18587:2017对机器翻译输出的完整人工后期编辑过程和后期编辑的能力提出了要求。 本文档旨在供TSP、其客户和帖子编辑使用。 它仅适用于机器翻译系统处理的内容。 注:一般翻译服务见ISO 17100。 交叉引用:ISO 17100:2015 ED1购买本文件时,所有当前可用的修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
ISO 18587:2017(E) Introduction The use of machine translation (MT) systems to meet the needs of an increasingly demanding translation and localization industry has been gaining ground. Many translation service providers (TSPs) and clients have come to realize that the use of such systems is a viable solution for translating
ISO 18587:2017(en), Translation services ? Post-editing of machine ...
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1.
GB/T 40036-2021《翻译服务 机器翻译结果的译后编辑要求》国 …
2021年12月3日 · 将iso 18587: 2017标准完美地转化成国家标准,严格遵守三个原则:一是易用性原则,用中国人易于理解接受的方式和业界习惯的语言翻译标准条款;二是忠实原文原则;三是协调性原则。
ISO 18587 | Machine translation with full human post-editing
International standard ISO 18587 establishes the requirements to ensure that, after post-editing of the output of a machine translation, the quality is similar to that of a human translation. To this end, the ISO 18587 quality standard describes in detail: The …
ISO18587 Post-Editing of Machine Translation Output
ISO 18587:2017 is an international standard that sets guidelines for the post-editing of machine-translation output. It outlines the competencies and qualifications required for post-editors, as well as the quality criteria that must be met for the final edited content.
ISO18587机器翻译管理体系 - yujie
ISO 18587 是机器翻译输出译后编辑的国际标准。 ISO 18587 是众多翻译标准之一,语言服务提供商(如翻译机构)可以使用 ISO 18587 来证明使用机器翻译提供高质量服务的承诺。 ISO 18587:2017规定了预生产流程,后期编辑流程以及后期编辑的特定能力和资格要求。 这一机器翻译译后编辑的国际标准得到了许多语言服务购买者的认可,包括广告、数字、法律、健康和公共部门的购买者。 随着人工智能技术的飞速发展,机器翻译技术不断取得重大突破,并越来越多 …
ISO 18587 - Machine Translation Post-Editing: A Path to Quality …
ISO 18587 is a specialized standard that outlines the requirements for post-editing machine-translated text. It sets guidelines for ensuring that translations meet quality expectations when machines are involved in the initial translation process.
ISO 18587:2017 翻译服务. 机器译文译后编辑. 要求 标准全文
ISO 18587:2017的标准全文信息,翻译服务. 机器译文译后编辑. 要求, Translation services - Post-editing of machine translation output - Requirements, 提供ISO 18587:2017的发布时间、引用、替代关系、发布机构、适
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