ISO 2342 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 2, Fasteners. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 2342:1972), which has been technically revised. In this corrected version of ISO 2342:2003 the following change has been incorporated:
ISO 2342:2003 - Slotted headless screws with shank
ISO 2342:2003 specifies the characteristics of slotted headless screws with shank with threads from M1 up to and including M10.
ISO 2342:2003(en), Slotted headless screws with shank
ISO 2342 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 2, Fasteners. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 2342:1972), which has been technically revised. In this corrected version of ISO 2342:2003 the following change has been incorporated: page 2: the dimension ∅ ds on Figure 1 has been corrected.
开槽无头螺钉 ISO 2342 - 2003 - 易紧通
普通螺纹收尾、肩距、退刀槽和倒角 (iso 3508:1976 / iso 4755:1983)
ISO 2342:2003-带槽的开槽无头螺丝-国家数字标准馆
iso 2342:2003规定了带柄开槽无头螺钉的特性,其螺纹从m1到m10。 ISO 2342:2003 specifies the characteristics of slotted headless screws with shank with threads from M1 up to and including M10.
DIN EN ISO 2342-带柄开槽无头螺钉(ISO 2342-2003);德文版EN ISO 2342…
2004年5月1日 · 《国家标准化发展纲要》提出建设国家数字标准馆,推动标准化工作向数字化、网络化、智能化转型。 中国标准化研究院正在全力推进国家数字标准馆建设,力争在2026年底建成“一个中心”和“一个平台”,即全球领先的标准数据资源中心,涵盖标准全生命周期的数字化、网络化、智能化研究与服务平台。
ISO 2342:2003 - Slotted headless screws with shank - iTeh Standards
2003年12月4日 · ISO 2342 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 2, Fasteners. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 2342:1972), which has been technically revised. In this corrected version of ISO 2342:2003 the following change has been incorporated:
- 评论数: 20
ISO 2342 - 2003Slotted Headless Screws with Shank - Global …
ISO 2342 - 1972 ISO 2342 - 2003. Send Inquiry. Similar Standards 1 [DIN] DIN 927 - 2012: Slotted Shoulder Screws View Suppliers : 2 [DIN] DIN 927 - 1986: Slotted Shoulder Screws View Suppliers : 3 [DIN EN ISO] DIN EN ISO 2342 - 2004: Slotted Headless Screws with Shank ...
ISO-2342 | Slotted headless screws with shank - Document …
ISO 2342:2003 specifies the characteristics of slotted headless screws with shank with threads from M1 up to and including M10.
ISO 2342:2003 - Slotted headless screws with shank - ANSI …
ISO 2342:2003 specifies the characteristics of slotted headless screws with shank with threads from M1 up to and including M10.