INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 691:2005(E) © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved 1 Assembly tools for screws and nuts — Wrench and socket openings — Tolerances for general use 1 Scope This International Standard specifies tolerances on …
International Standard ISO 691 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 29, Small tools, subcommittee SC 10, Assembly for screws and nuts, pliers and nippers. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 691:1983), which has been technically revised.
ISO 691:2005 Assembly tools for screws and nuts — Wrench and …
ISO 691:2005 specifies tolerances on wrench and socket openings for screws and nuts (or similar parts) having metric width across flats dimensions. It gives, for each dimension, the tolerances for general use, defined by its two deviations, minimum and maximum, with respect to …
ISO 691-2005 - 道客巴巴
2018年9月30日 · i - 国际iso组织国际组织isoiso国际组织isoiso 星级: 86 页 iso内审-iso内审 星级: 7 页 iso文件:什么是iso 星级: 13 页 iso9000质量管理体系 - iso认证iso咨询iso认证咨询深圳iso 星级: 9 页 ... iso 691-2005
DIN ISO 691:2007 螺栓和螺母用装配工具.扳手和套筒扳手开口.通 …
2025年3月5日 · DIN ISO 691:2007的标准全文信息,本国际标准规定了具有公制双面宽度尺寸的螺钉和螺母(或类似零件)的扳手和套筒开口的公差,如下图所示。 它给出了每个尺寸的通用公差,由相对于标称值的两个偏差(最小和最大)定义。 这些偏差是根据 ISO 4759-1 中规定的螺钉和螺母的对边宽度公差以及紧固工具的制造来确定的。 Th.
ISO 691:2005(en), Assembly tools for screws and nuts ? Wrench …
ISO 691 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 29, Small tools, Subcommittee SC 10, Assembly tools for screws and nuts, pliers and nippers. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 691:1997), Table 1 of which has been technically revised.
ISO 691:2005 螺钉和螺母用装配工具.扳手和套筒扳手的开口.常用 …
2024年12月31日 · iso 691:2005的发布历史信息,本国际标准规定了具有公制双面宽度尺寸的螺钉和螺母(或类似零件)的扳手和套筒开口的公差,如下图所示。 它给出了每个尺寸的通用公差,由相对于标称值的两个偏差(最小和最大)定义。
DIN ISO 691-螺钉和螺母用装配工具.扳手和套筒开口.通用公差(ISO 691 …
1998年2月15日 · iso 691-2005 Assembly tools for screws and nuts — Wrench and socket openings — Tolerances for general use 螺钉和螺母的装配工具——扳手和套筒开口——通用公差
ISO 691:2005 螺钉和螺母的装配工具——扳手和套筒开口——通用 …
2005年11月8日 · ISO 691:2005 specifies tolerances on wrench and socket openings for screws and nuts (or similar parts) having metric width across flats dimensions. It gives, for each dimension, the tolerances for general use, defined by its two deviations, minimum and maximum, with respect to the nominal value.
ISO 691 - Assembly Tools for Screws and Nuts - Wrench and …
2005年11月1日 · Assembly Tools for Screws and Nuts - Wrench and Socket Openings - Tolerances for General Use. This International Standard specifies tolerances on wrench and socket openings for screws and nuts (or similar parts) having metric width across flats dimensions, as shown diagrammatically below.