ISO 8492:2013 - Metallic materials — Tube — Flattening test
ISO 8492:2013 is applicable to tubes having an outside diameter no greater than 600 mm and a thickness no greater than 15 % of the outside diameter. The range of the outside diameter or thickness, for which this International Standard is applicable, may be more exactly specified in the relevant product standard.
International Standard ISO 8492 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 164, Mechanical testing of metals, Subcommittee SC 2, Ductility testing. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 8492:1986), of which it constitutes a technical revision.
BS EN ISO 8492-2013 金属材料.管材.压扁试验 - 道客巴巴
bs en iso 8492-2013 金属材料.管材.压扁试验 下载积分: 875 内容提示: BSI Standards PublicationBS EN ISO 8492:2013Metallic materials — Tube —Flattening test
ISO 8492:2013(en), Metallic materials ? Tube ? Flattening test
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 8492:1998), of which it constitutes a minor revision. 1 Scope. This International Standard specifies a method for determining the ability of metallic tubes of circular cross-section to undergo plastic deformation by flattening. It may also be used to reveal the defects in the tubes.
ISO 8492-2013 - 道客巴巴
bs en iso 8492-2013 星级: 12 页 bs 8492-2016 星级: 32 页 gb/t 8492-2014 一般用途耐热钢和合金铸件 星级: 16 页 暂无目录. . 点击鼠标右键菜单,创建目录. 暂无笔记. . 选择文本,点击鼠标右键菜单,添加笔记 ...
BS EN ISO 8492:2013 金属材料.管材.压扁试验 标准全文
2025年3月7日 · BS EN ISO 8492:2013的标准全文信息,金属材料.管材.压扁试验, Metallic materials. Tube. Flattening test, 提供BS EN ISO 8492:2013的发布时间、引用、替代关系、发布机构、适用范围等信息,也提供PDF预览(如果有PDF)以及下载地址(如果可以下
ISO 8492 - Metallic materials - Tube - Flattening test | GlobalSpec
ISO 8492 November 15, 2013 Metallic materials - Tube - Flattening test This International Standard specifies a method for determining the ability of metallic tubes of circular crosssection to undergo plastic deformation by flattening. It may also be used to reveal the...
(正版) BSN ISO 8492-2013 金属材料管材压扁试验.. - 道客巴巴
q_iso 8492-2013金属材料 管 压扁试验最新 星级: 5 页 管材压扁试验 管材扁平试验 星级: 2 页 管材压扁试验 管材扁平试验 星级: 3 页 管材压扁试验的改进与显示 星级: 5 页 管材压扁试验的改进与显示 ...
BS EN ISO 8492: 2013 金属管——压扁试验方法 (中文版)_
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EN ISO 8492:2013 金属材料.管材.压扁试验 标准全文
2025年3月3日 · EN ISO 8492:2013的标准全文信息,本国际标准规定了测定圆形截面金属管折叠塑性变形能力的方法。 该方法还可用于可视化管道中的缺陷。 本国际标准适用于外径不超过600mm且壁厚不超过外径15%的管材。 本国际标准适用的外径或壁厚范围可在相关产品标准中更 …
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