Taper Pin With Internal Thread ISO 8736 - 1986 | PDF
Taper Pin With Internal Thread ISO 8736 - 1986 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides specifications for unhardened taper pins with internal threads.
ISO 8736:1986 (en), Taper pins with internal thread, unhardened
International Standard ISO 8736 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 2, Fasteners. Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its latest edition, unless otherwise stated.
ISO 8736:1986 - Taper pins with internal thread, unhardened
Specifies the characteristics of products with metric dimensions and nominal diameters from 6 mm up to and including 50 mm; tabulates thread sizes M 6 up to M 50 with nominal lengths …
ISO 8736 - Taper pins with internal thread - fasteners
ISO 8736 - Taper pins with internal thread Current norm: DIN EN 28736 Equivalent norms: DIN 7978; CSN 022155; PN 85019; UNI 7284; EU 28736;
ISO 8736:1986-内螺纹锥形销 未硬化-国家数字标准馆
ISO 8736:1986内螺纹锥形销 未硬化规定了公制尺寸和标称直径为6 mm至50 mm(含)的产品的特性;表列螺纹尺寸为M6至M50,标称长度为16mm至200mm,规格参考国际标准;给出了一个名称的示例。
ISO 8736 - 1986 不淬硬内螺纹圆锥销 - 易紧通
Φ6~Φ10 Φ12~Φ20 Φ25~Φ40 Φ50公称直径 d
164580 - ISO 8736 - 1986-不淬硬内螺纹圆锥销- 易紧通
Plain, i.e. pins to be supplied in natural finish treated with a rust-preventative lubricant, unless otherwise specified by agreement between customer and suppller. Preferred coatings are black oxide, phosphate coating or zinc plating with chromate conversion coating (see …
ISO 8736-1986 - 道客巴巴
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ISO 8736:1986 不淬硬内螺纹圆锥销 标准全文
2025年3月21日 · ISO 8736:1986的标准全文信息,规定了公制尺寸和公称直径为 6 毫米至 50 毫米(含 50 毫米)的产品的特性;表格列出了螺纹尺寸 M 6 至 M 50,标称长度为 16 mm 至 200 mm,以及参考国际标准的规格;给出了一个指定的例子。
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