What is an ISSN? | ISSN
An ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) identifies all continuing resources, irrespective of their medium (print or electronic): newspapers, annual publications (reports, directories, lists, etc.),
ISSN - Wikipedia
An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is an eight-digit to uniquely identify a periodical publication (periodical), such as a magazine. [1] The ISSN is especially helpful in distinguishing between serials with the same title. ISSNs are used in ordering, cataloging, interlibrary loans, and other practices in connection with serial ...
ISBN, ISSN, DOI: what they are and how to find them - Wiley
2022年6月17日 · ISSN stands for International Standard Serial Number and is used for journals, magazines, and other serial publications. It is made up of two sets of four digits with a dash between them (0000-0000). You can find the ISSN in the copyright information of a print journal, or on the journal homepage of a digital journal.
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) - Library of Congress
2024年8月14日 · The U.S. ISSN Center, part of the international ISSN Network, assigns International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN) to serials published in the U.S. The ISSN is a standard identifier for serials (e.g., journals, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, annuals) whether published in print, online or other media.
什么是 ISSN?序列标识符理解指南 - Mind the Graph 博客
2024年12月18日 · 国际标准连续出版物号 (ISSN) 是一个八位数代码,用于唯一标识期刊、杂志和报纸等印刷版和电子版连续出版物。 了解 ISSN 有助于简化学术和图书馆系统中的连续出版物编目、索引和检索工作。 它能确保区分不同的连续出版物,尤其是在图书馆和数据库编目时。 ISSN 在学术交流中至关重要,它允许跨平台无缝识别期刊。 ISSN 系统由一个国际网络管理,其运作独立于内容类型,侧重于出版物的媒介。 什么是 ISSN,为什么要开发 ISSN? 随着科学文献数量 …
1. General information about ISSN | The ISSN Portal
The International Standard Serial Number is an 8-digit code used to identify unambiguously newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and digital. 1.2. Why is an ISSN useful?
What is an ISSN
The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is an eight-digit number which identifies periodical publications as such, including electronic serials. The ISSN is a numeric code which is used as an identifier: it has no signification in itself and does not contain in itself any information referring to the origin or contents of the publication.
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) Portal - UNCCD
An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic. Which publications are concerned by an ISSN? What form does an ISSN take?
ISSN, the major principles
An ISSN, for which media? When, how and in which case should you apply for an ISSN? Here is what you should know before applying for an ISSN for your publication. ISSN, the basic rule; Applying for an ISSN; Applying for multiple ISSN; Changing ISSN; Special cases; ISSN, the …
ISBN and ISSN Systems: General Information and Resources
2025年2月19日 · The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a national and international standard for serial publications. Both number standards can apply to electronic or print versions. This resource guide provides general information and a history on the ISBN and ISSN standards.
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