Itc-100; questioning the efficiency. - BladeForums.com
2012年8月26日 · Before I finish coating the inside of my new forge with itc-100, I would like to hear from those who have used it before. How much did temperature increase - if at all? Did your firing time decrease, and by how much? Does the temperature spread more evenly throughout the forge, or is there...
ICT100 and Satanite application? - BladeForums.com
2010年2月16日 · Apply the ITC-100 the same way, placing a layer of plastic wrap over the insboard ends. When ready for the last coat of ITC-100, apply a good layer to the inside of the ends, apply the final layer inside the forge, and use some ITC-100 as mortar around the rim to seat the ends in place ( no plastic wrap).
Refractory coatings, cast-ables, etc. what would you do and why?
2010年10月17日 · A coating of ITC-100 over it is standard ( and will make the lining last longer and work better). The insulation is normally made stiffer by applying Rigidizer and then smoothing on several thin coats of the satanite. After the satanite has been fired and cured, a coating of ITC-100 is applied and fired to finish the liner.
Itc-100 application questions. - BladeForums.com
2004年8月20日 · You don't use ITC-100 directly on the wool. You first put on a 1/4" layer of satanite over the wool. Let it dry and then fire it on low to cure the refractory. Once that is done, and any cracks patched, apply a thin coat of ITC-100 over the satanite. Fire the forge again on low, and slowly increase the heat to full heat.
ITC-100 in a HT oven? - BladeForums.com
2010年3月2日 · Has anyone tried using ITC-100 or another similar coating in an electric HT oven? It seems like most factory units come with bare firebrick. I'm wondering if it would increase the efficiency enough to make it worthwhile.
Coating HT Oven with ITC-100? - BladeForums.com
2008年4月15日 · Has anyone tried coating the interior of their oven with ITC-100? Just wondering if it would make a difference in how long it takes the oven come up to temp. Thanks, Lon
First Time Build - Rod Oven as a forge body? - BladeForums.com
2017年2月23日 · So my first idea is to build a forge out of 10" pipe with 2" of insulation around it and ITC-100 HT. With a removable back plate so I can butt it up to and secure it to another section to do long pieces if I want.
Upgrade oven to PID worth it? - BladeForums.com
2015年10月13日 · A PID controller is definitely worthwhile if you have the electrical ability to change it. The ITC-100 is an infra-red reflector and will give no benefit at all in this application. I'm not familiar with Blue M products, but assume you are referring to one of the 1100 degC Lab furnaces, presumably an older model from your description of the control. The description of the current models ...
ITC-100 application - BladeForums.com
2013年5月2日 · After making any reapairs and re-firing if needed, I paint the satanite with a couple coats of ITC-100. It does not have to be very thick. It is a reflective coating, so thickness isn't really necessary. Thin it 2parts ITC-100 to 1 part water. After the ITC-100 dries completely, fire it on low for five minutes, then slowly bring up the heat.
ITC100 drying/hardening - BladeForums.com
2002年10月3日 · Hello all, I bought some itc100 from Ellis knifeworks a few weeks ago but havent been able to use it , trouble is the bags they sent it in are just ziploc's and they're starting to dry-out/firm up. Is there anything I can do to save it? I sent …