DEMO - EUROfusion
The DEMOnstration power plant, DEMO, will be ITER's successor. With the transition from ITER to DEMO, fusion will go from a science-driven, lab-based exercise to an industry-driven and technology-driven programme. A key criterion for DEMO is the production of electricity, although not at the price and the quantities of commercial power plants.
DEMOnstration Power Plant - Wikipedia
DEMO, or a demonstration power plant (often stylized as DEMOnstration power plant), refers to a proposed class of nuclear fusion experimental reactors that are intended to demonstrate the net production of electric power from nuclear fusion. Most of the ITER partners have plans for their own DEMO-class reactors. With the possible exception of ...
After ITER
Europe is planning a DEMOnstration power plant (DEMO) by 2050 as the electricity-producing machine that follows ITER. Conceptual design is progressing on this facility that aims to demonstrate the technological and economic feasibility of fusion energy, by producing about 500 MW of net electricity, as well as tritium self-sufficiency.
中科院李建刚院士称未来10年可控核聚变将「达到最低门槛」,实 …
iter设计目标包括实现q>10的聚变等离子体并且实现燃烧自持换句话说是"产生可观的聚变能",而 demo是欧洲建的商业聚变示范堆, 设计目标除了要在iter的基础上达到更大的q(~25),最主要的是要能保证"持续的输出电能",预期在2040年左右开始建设,参照iter的时间的话大概 ...
ITER ... and then what?
After ITER—the machine that will demonstrate the technological and scientific feasibility of fusion energy—DEMO will open the way to its industrial and commercial exploitation. DEMO is the machine that will bring fusion energy research to the threshold of a prototype fusion reactor.
Post-ITER: DEMO and Fusion Power Plants | SpringerLink
2021年8月1日 · The short term encompasses the construction of ITER; R&D in support of ITER (which is ongoing all over the world); deuterium-tritium experiments in JET, designed to achieve and investigate ITER-like plasma regimes of operation (to start in 2021); conceptual design phase of DEMO (early designs should be ready by 2027); R&D for DEMO; and ...
Charting the international roadmap to DEMO
2018年5月14日 · The DEMO-FNS is planned to be built by 2023, and is part of Russia's fast-track strategy to a fusion power plant by 2050. The United States of America is considering an intermediate step called Fusion Nuclear Science Facility (FNSF) to be used for the development and testing of fusion materials and components for a DEMO-type reactor.
ITER 核聚变实验装置 | 国际原子能机构
俄罗斯联邦正在规划一个名为demo聚变中子源(demo-fns)的聚变-裂变混合装置,该装置将收集聚变产生的中子,将铀变成核燃料并销毁放射性废物。 DEMO-FNS计划在2023年前建成,是该国在2050年前建成核聚变电厂的快速战略的一部分。
DEMO - EUROfusion
DEMO is the successor of the international fusion experiment ITER and the next step on the way to realise fusion energy. Its purpose is to develop and test technologies, physics regimes and control routines for operating a fusion reactor not as a scientific experiment, but as a power plant.
Demonstration Fusion Plants | IAEA
The Russian Federation is planning a fusion–fission hybrid facility called DEMO Fusion Neutron Source (DEMO-FNS), which will harvest fusion-produced neutrons to turn uranium into nuclear fuel and destroy radioactive waste.