Hot Cell - ITER
The ITER Hot Cell & Radwaste Facility supports the operation, maintenance, radwaste management and decommissioning of the ITER Tokamak. The facility consists of different buildings including the maintenance buildings (Hot Cell along with complementary buildings), radwaste buildings and the Personnel Access Control Building.
国际热核聚变实验反应堆 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
国际热核聚变实验反应堆 (英語: International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor,缩写: ITER)是国际 核聚变 研究和 巨型工程,将成为世界上最大的磁约束 等离子体物理学 实验,这是目前正在建设世界上最大的实验性 托卡马克 核聚变 反应堆,邻近于法国南部的 卡达拉舍 设施 [2]。 ITER工程的目标是从 等离子体物理 实验研究,到大规模电力生产的 核聚变发电厂 的期待已久的转变。 “ITER”在 拉丁文 意为“道路”,因此这个实验的缩写“ITER”也意味着和平利用 核聚 …
IVVS & GDC Plug. Because of the Activation and Contamination – In-Vessel Equipment is transported to the HCB in automated Casks. These provide confinement but no shielding. This line describes the border between Clients and Participants.
HCC Functions 7 Hot Cell Building (B21) • Refurbishment, maintenance and testing of activated and contaminated Tokamak components • Storage and maintenance of ex-tokamak equipment (e.g. port cell and interspace structures, galleries, etc), slightly activated and contaminated
The objective of this engineering contract is to provide design analysis to the ITER Organization in aid of the development of the design of the Hot Cell Complex (HCC). 2 Scope The scope of work is focussed on the radwaste processing (RW) and …
The Hot Cell Facility is described in ITER_D_L9V43M - Functional description of the Hot Cell Building. The Radwaste facility is described in ITER_D_L5G67Y - HCC TF - Functional
Evolution of ITER Tritium Confinement strategy and adaptation …
2008年12月1日 · The HCC includes the Hot Cell itself and the low level radioactive waste facility (LLRWF) building. The functions of the HC include the repair and refurbishment of in-vessel components, detritiation of the waste high heat flux (HHF) components removed, collection of out-gassed or recovered tritium and its return to the main fuel cycle of ITER.
Progress on the Design Development for Hard Core ... - IEEE Xplore
2018年3月12日 · An ITER hard core component (HCC) is defined for each undesirable situation with cliff edge effect consequences. Such structure system components (SCCs) are designed to prevent these situations at nuclear power plants, as well as to return and maintain a safe state in the event such a situation occurs.
2023年3月2日 · 中国氦冷固态实验包层系统项目是我国参与iter计划至关重要的组成部分,用于在iter上验证聚变堆条件下的“氚增殖”和“能量获取”技术,是我国未来聚变堆发展的必不可少的重要步骤,在我国聚变能源发展路线上具有重要意义。
ITER - the way to new energy
Fusion, the nuclear reaction that powers the Sun and the stars, is a promising long-term option for sustainable, non-carbon-emitting energy. Harnessing fusion's power is the goal of ITER—designed as the key experimental step between today's fusion research machines and tomorrow's fusion power plants. Youtube est désactivé.
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