ITER - Wikipedia
ITER (initially the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, iter meaning "the way" or "the path" in Latin) [4] [5] [6] is an international nuclear fusion research and engineering megaproject aimed at creating energy through a fusion process similar to that of the Sun. It is being built next to the Cadarache facility in southern France.
国际热核聚变实验反应堆 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
国际热核聚变实验反应堆(英語: International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ,缩写: ITER )是国际核聚变研究和巨型工程,将成为世界上最大的磁约束等离子体物理学实验,这是目前正在建设世界上最大的实验性托卡马克 核聚变反应堆,邻近于法国南部的卡达拉舍 ...
國際熱核融合實驗反應爐 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
國際熱核融合實驗反應爐(英語: International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ,縮寫: ITER )是國際核融合研究和巨型工程,將成為世界上最大的磁約束電漿物理學實驗,這是目前正在建設世界上最大的實驗性托卡馬克 核融合反應爐,鄰近於法國南部的卡達拉舍設施 ...
ITER - the way to new energy
Fusion, the nuclear reaction that powers the Sun and the stars, is a promising long-term option for sustainable, non-carbon-emitting energy. Harnessing fusion's power is the goal of ITER—designed as the key experimental step between today's fusion research machines and tomorrow's fusion power plants. Youtube est désactivé.
国际热核聚变实验堆计划 - 百度百科
“国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)计划”是全球规模最大、影响最深远的国际科研合作项目之一,建造约需10年,耗资50亿 美元 (1998年值)。 ITER装置是一个能产生大规模 核聚变 反应的 超导托卡马克,俗称“ 人造太阳 ”。 2003年1月, 国务院 批准我国参加ITER计划谈判,2006年5月,经国务院批准, 中国 ITER谈判联合小组代表我国政府与 欧盟 、 印度 、 日本 、 韩国 、 俄罗斯 和 美国 共同草签了ITER计划协定。 这七方包括了全世界主要的核国家和主要的亚洲国家,覆盖的人 …
Facts & Figures - ITER
If you haven't heard about ITER, the facts and figures on this page will surprise you. The scale and scope of the ITER Project rank it among the most ambitious science endeavors of our time. Building is underway now on the ITER scientific installation in Saint Paul-lez-Durance, France.
History - ITER
See more about ITER history in Project Milestones. Consult ITER's founding documents in Legal Resources.
ITER - NamuWiki
2025年1月27日 · ITER is an international joint nuclear fusion experiment that aims to achieve the minimum commercially feasible nuclear fusion efficiency. It is conducted by the United States , Russia , and the European Union (29 countries). [1] .
Category : ITER - Wikimedia
English: ITER (originally an acronym of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is an international nuclear fusion research and engineering project, which is currently building the world's largest and most advanced experimental tokamak nuclear fusion reactor at Cadarache in the south of France.
ITER : International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
ITER is a global scientific partnership of unprecedented scale bringing together half of the world’s population: China, Europe, Japan, India, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the United States. ITER will be the largest Tokamak device to …