ITK-SNAP is a free, open-source, multi-platform software application used to segment structures in 3D and 4D biomedical images.
ITK-SNAP Version 3.x Downloads
This latest version of ITK-SNAP provides powerful new features for working with multiple scans of the same subject, including registration. It also provides tools for interpolating segmentations and improved DICOM support.
ITK-SNAP Version 4.x Downloads
ITK-SNAP Nightly Builds (latest and greatest) The files below are the latest nightly builds of the code in the ITK-SNAP master branch. Some features may not work properly.
SNAP Tutorial and User's Manual
Tutorial: Getting Started with ITK-SnAP . Welcome to SnAP! This guide will introduce you to the most commonly used features of the software. The tutorial is organized into eight sections, and requires about 60 minutes to complete. Click the first link in te list below to begin the tutorial.
ITK-SNAP Documentation: Version 3.x
ITK-SNAP Documentation: Version 3.x. Web-based documentation for the latest version of ITK-SNAP is under development. For new users we recommend viewing the training videos below. Web-based tutorials for ITK-SNAP 2.x are also still largely relevant.
ITK-SNAP Tutorial
SNAP can be used to segment a variety of three-dimensional images. The images have to be homogeneous, i.e., having a single intensity value per pixel. In other words, SNAP can be used with MRI, CT and PET images, but not with color cryosection or diffusion tensor images.
ITK-SNAP Tutorial
Welcome to SnAP! This guide will introduce you to the most commonly used features of the software. The tutorial is organized into eight sections, and requires about 60 minutes to complete.
TutorialSectionInstallation - ITK-SNAP
Section 1. Installing ITK-SNAP. This section of the tutorial will guide you through downloading and installing the latest version of ITK-SNAP for Apple MacOS, Windows, and Linux. It will take 5 to 10 minutes to complete.
TutorialSectionManualSegmentation - ITK-SNAP
This section describes how SNAP can be used for manual segmentation. You will learn about working with segmentation labels, painting regions ontwo-dimensional slices of the image, and saving and loading segmentation results.
ITK-SNAP Documentation
To learn what features are available in more recent versions of ITK-SNAP, take a look at the release notes as well as some of the articles below. Tutorial This guide will introduce you to the most commonly used features of the software.