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Intel® In-Target Probe (ITP) eXtended Debug Port (XDP) is a high-end probe for debugging Intel-based platforms.
Intel® In-Target Probe (Intel® ITP) – eXtended Debug Port (XDP)
ITP-XDP 3BR is the latest revision of ITP-XDP hardware. It is used for Run Control and OBS trace collection for Intel processors. It also provides capabilities for remote platform control through supported platform hooks. Includes: 3 meter USB2 cable included. Power adapter and cord set included.
问 关于目标内探测eXtended调试端口(ITP-XDP)的查询 - 腾讯云
2015年8月6日 · Intel ITP-XDP可用于调试处理器或芯片组相关问题,在主板上,硬件设计人员需要将XDP头安装在CPU或芯片组(PCH)附近。是的,XDP调试器是一个非常特殊的单元,通过USB连接到PC,您还需要购买Intel PDT(Platform Debug Toolkit)软件,它非常昂贵。
Implemented debugging support of Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) Machine Language (AML) code. You can use it to check when an operating system interacts with BIOS in Windows* OS and when a hang occurs. For instructions, refer to the Debugging ACPI User Guide for Intel® Debug Extensions for WinDbg*. Introduced help commands.
The Three Types of JTAG Access on Intel-based Designs
2016年7月24日 · Pop quiz: there are three main mechanisms to access debug embedded instrumentation within Intel silicon. What are they? XDP Access. The traditional means for doing hardware-assisted debug on Intel designs is via the proprietary 60-pin connector called the XDP (short for eXtended Debug Port).
设置WinDbg+ITP(硬件调试器) - CSDN博客
2012年2月6日 · 《软件调试》一书中介绍了jtag调试协议,该协议用于硬件调试器接口itp/xdp。 以Windows为例,Windbg提供了exdi模式,就是通过ITP进行连接调试的模式。 其使用流程大体如下:安装Windbg,安装ITP,然后进入ITP安装目录中的ITPeXdi目录下修改脚本W_intel itp
Query regarding In-Target Probe eXtended Debug Port (ITP-XDP)
2017年1月20日 · Intel ITP-XDP can be used to debug processors or chipset related problems and on the mainboard, hardware designers need to mount XDP header near the CPU or the chipset(PCH). And yes, the XDP debugger is a very special unit, and is connected to a PC via USB and you also need to purchase Intel PDT(Platform Debug Toolkit) software, it is very ...
intel ITP-XDP3 Debugger for Quark - Intel Communities
2014年9月22日 · I would like to know if there is a way to obtain the Intel ITP-XDP3 JTAG probe as an educator. My budget as an educator is limited. It is a high end probe, but it seems to be the only probe available to debug the Quark's UEFI or any code from the reset vector on which is what I want to do.
AdvDbg System Section : 内核调试的EXDI方式
《软件调试》的第7章介绍了jtag调试协议和intel cpu的jtag支持,即itp/xdp接口。 ITP调试器借助专用的硬件设备( ITP调试仪 )通过CPU的专用信号引脚与CPU通信,实施调试任务。
Intel Silverthorne/Diamondville处理器XDP调试接口设计指南
2023年6月22日 · 这份技术指南主要针对XDP(eXtensible Debug Port)接口的设计与调试,提供详细的参数和技术指导。XDP是一种可扩展的调试接口,旨在增强系统的调试能力,更多下载资源、学习资料请访问CSDN文库频道