ITRF | Homepage
The objective of this web site is to distribute the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) products. ITRF94, ITRF96, ITRF97, ITRF2000, ITRF2005, ITRF2008, ITRF2014, ITRF2020 and ITRF2020-u2023 solutions are available for download. It also contains the description and list of all the IERS stations.
International Terrestrial Reference System and Frame
An International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) is a realization of the ITRS. Its origin is at the center of mass of the whole earth including the oceans and atmosphere. New ITRF solutions are produced every few years, using the latest mathematical and surveying techniques to attempt to realize the ITRS as precisely as possible.
ITRF90是 ITRS 最初实现的ITRF解,它采用了BIH(国际时间局)最终的坐标系BTS87的原点、尺度和定向参数,以保证IERS 地球参考系 与BIH地球参考系的连续性。
通过分析ITRF框架参数,WGS84和CGCS2000坐标系的定义和实现以及历元和测站速度场对坐标的影响,总结出: CGCS2000采用ITRF97框,对准2000.0历元;是一套严密的坐标系统;当前WGS84与CGCS2000在历元引起坐标上的差别不能忽略,差别最大在分米级。
国际地球参考系(Internationa Terrestrial Reference Frame, ITRF)是国际地表参考系统的实现,其综合地表上一组观测点的坐标信息而形成。 基于ITRF,可以用于研究地球的板块构造、区域沉降或负载,或者在研究宇宙中地球旋转时用于描述地球。
國際地球參考系統 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
國際地球參考框架 (英語: International Terrestrial Reference Frame, ITRF)是國際地表參考系統的實現。 新的ITRF解決方案每隔數年就會使用最新的數學和測量方法,盡可能的實現ITRS的精確度。
ITRF | Itrf2020
Based on completely reprocessed solutions of the four techniques, the ITRF2020 is expected to be an improved solution compared to ITF2014. A number of innovations were introduced in the ITRF2020 processing, including: Post-Seismic Deformation (PSD) models for stations subject to major earthquakes were determined by fitting GNSS /IGS data.
WGS84 vs. NAD83 vs. ITRF 2014: What are the differences?
2024年6月3日 · Geodetic frames such as ITRF and WGS84 significantly impact surveying and mapping accuracy around the world, while local reference frames such as NAD27 provide …
国际地球参考框架ITRF2020的定义和实现-期刊-万方数据知识服务 …
2023年11月13日 · 国际地球参考框架 (ITRF)是目前理论背景最完善、构建方法最全面、实现精度最高的全球地心基准,也是世界各国在建立区域地心基准时的重要参考.给出了国际地球自转与参考系统服务组织 (IERS)最新发布的ITRF2020的理论定义,重点讨论了各专业技术组织提供的数据 ...
Supporting the ITRF – International GNSS Service
ITRF is the basis for modern national geodetic systems and the metrological basis for any position based information, including mapping, 3D modeling, and GIS. The ITRF provides the foundation for nearly all ground-based and space-based observations in Earth system science and supports a variety of applications, such as: land surveying ...
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