IU East Course Listings - Indiana University East
IU East Course Listings. Schedule of Classes; Register for classes; Toggle menu. Schedule of Classes; Register for classes; Close nav
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IU East Course Listings - CHEM - Chemistry - Indiana University East
CHEM-C 101 Elementary Chemistry I (3 cr) Introduction to chemistry; includes chemical and gas laws, atomic and molecular structure, energy, equilibrium, kinetics, states of matter, and applications in chemical processes.
IU East Course Listings - BIOL - Biology - Indiana University East
This is a 100% online class taught by IU East. No on-campus class meetings are required. Offered every semester. BIOL-L 211 Molecular Biology (3 cr) Structure and function of DNA and RNA. Topics include DNA replication, mutation, repair …
IU East Course Listings - BUS - Business - Indiana University East
IU East Course Listings: BUS - Business . Schedule of Classes; Register for classes; Toggle menu. Schedule of Classes; Register for classes; Close nav. BUS-A 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting (3 cr) Covers the various concepts of financial accounting and its role in the business environment. Topics covered include the accounting cycle ...
Blog Archives - Indiana University East - iue.edu
Every Fall, IU East selects students to blog for the school year. We encourage our student bloggers to be creative and to have fun with it. Our bloggers are free to write about whatever they want (as long as it is appropriate, of course), which includes, but not limited to sports, campus events, and personal lives.
IU East Council Connection - IU East Organizations - Indiana …
2019年3月1日 · Indiana University East. 800-959-EAST • 765-973-8200 [email protected] 2325 Chester Blvd. Richmond, IN 47374 Directions (Google | iPhone)
IU East Course Listings - HIST - History - Indiana University East
Required for history majors and minors at IU East. Offered every fall semester. HIST-H 219 Origins and History of the Second World War (3cr) Nazi and fascist aggression, collective security, appeasement, and outbreak of war in Europe, German blitzkrieg, Russian front, North Africa, Italian, and Normandy campaigns, Hitler’s racial policies.
IU East Course Listings - STAT - Statistics - Indiana University East
IU East Course Listings: STAT - Statistics . Schedule of Classes; Register for classes; Toggle menu. Schedule of Classes; Register for classes; Close nav. STAT-S 431 Applied Linear Models I (3 cr) Part I of a two-semester sequence on linear models. This part presents the analysis of simple and multiple linear regression in the presence of ...