Index of Work Satisfaction – Market Street Research
As of October 12, 2020, Paula Stamps, Ph.D. and Market Street Research, Inc. have decided to forgo charging for the IWS Questionnaire and IWS Scoring manual. Hereafter, it may be downloaded from Market Street Research’s website, free of charge.
Rasch analysis of Stamps's Index of Work Satisfaction in nursing ...
The current descriptive study uses the data related to part B of Stamps IWS tool to determine the adequacy of the IWS tool in measuring job satisfaction cross‐culturally, by applying the Rasch model. The IWS contains 44 items with six components of pay, autonomy, task requirements, professional status, interaction and organizational policies.
Causal modeling of self-concept, job satisfaction, and retention of ...
2008年10月1日 · Three instruments were used in this study: the nurses’ self-concept questionnaire (NSCQ, Cowin, 2001) measured nurses’ self-concept, the index of work satisfaction (IWS, Stamps, 1997) measured nurses’ job satisfaction at T1 and T2 and the nurse retention index (NRI, Cowin, 2002) measured nurses’ retention plans at T2 only.
Nurses and Work Satisfaction: An Index for Measurement
1997年1月1日 · Job enrichment, decreased turnover, cost savings, greater productivity, and improved patient care-all depend on employee satisfaction. Paula Stamps' Index of Work Satisfaction is one of the best known and most widely used …
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The current descriptive study uses the data related to part B of Stamps (1997) IWS tool to determine the adequacy of the IWS tool in measuring job satisfaction cross-culturally, by applying the Rasch model. The IWS contains 44 items with six components of pay, autonomy, task require-
Nurses and work satisfaction : an index for measurement : Stamps…
2020年12月9日 · Stamps, Paula L. Publication date 1986 Topics Nurses -- Job satisfaction -- Measurement, Index of Work Satisfaction, Job enrichment, Travail -- Enrichissement, Infirmières, Infirmières -- Satisfaction au travail, Job Satisfaction, Nursing Staff, Hospital -- psychology, Psychological Tests
Satisfaction (IWS; Stamps, Piedmont, Slavitt, & Haase, 1978), and several other scales to measure job satisfac-tion. Using their original scale, Stamps et al. (1978) conducted a job satisfaction survey involving hospital nurses, and found that scores for “professional status” and “nurse–nurse interaction” were high, as were those
Nurses and Work Satisfaction: An Index for Measurement, Second ... - ACHE
Job enrichment, decreased turnover, cost savings, greater productivity, and improved patient care--all depend on employee satisfaction. Paula Stamps's Index of Work Satisfaction is one of the best-known and most widely used tools to measure nurses' response to their work.
This paper describes a three-year research project that investigates the concept of occupational satisfaction of health professionals and suggests a method of measuring their level of occupational satisfaction. Additionally, the research examines factors defining occupational satisfaction important to health professionals.
Rasch analysis of Stamps's Index of Work Satisfaction in nursing ...
The current descriptive study uses the data related to part B of Stamps IWS tool to determine the adequacy of the IWS tool in measuring job satisfaction cross-culturally, by applying the Rasch model. The IWS contains 44 items with six components of pay, autonomy, task requirements, professional status, interaction and organizational policies.
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