IAR 79 - Wikipedia
The IAR 79 was a twin-engine bomber and military reconnaissance aircraft with a wood and metal structure that saw service in World War II built under licence in Brașov, Romania, by Industria Aeronautică Română
Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero - Wikipedia
The Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero (Italian for sparrowhawk) is a three-engined medium bomber developed and manufactured by the Italian aviation company Savoia-Marchetti. It may be the best-known Italian aeroplane of the Second World War. [2]
Accident IAR 79 , Monday 18 April 1938 - asn.flightsafety.org
Date: Monday 18 April 1938: Time: Type: IAR 79: Owner/operator: Fortele Aeriene Romane: Registration: MSN: Fatalities: Fatalities: 3 / Occupants: 3: Other fatalities:
南欧雄鹫——罗马尼亚近现代航空军工业小考 - 知乎
而此时前者Jumo211正好搭载于IAR自家的、意大利SM.79食雀鹰的罗马尼亚授权版本IAR.79上,并且在42年这部分IAR.79将原来的Jumo 211Da型更新成了出力更高的Jumo 211F型,于是IAR运用了更换下来的Jumo 211Da连整流罩整个装在了一架IAR.80上。
Airplanes in the skies + FAF history: IAR JRS. 79B1 - Blogger
The IAR 79 was a twin-engine bomber and military reconnaissance aircraft with a wood and metal structure that saw service in World War II built under licence in Brasov Romania by Industria Aeronautică Română
IAR 79 - AcademiaLab
El IAR 79 era un bombardero bimotor y avión de reconocimiento militar con estructura de madera y metal que estuvo en servicio en la Segunda Guerra Mundial construido bajo licencia en Brasov, Rumania, por Industria Aeronautică Română Desarrollo
IAR 79 - Military Wiki | Fandom
The IAR 79 is a bi-engine bomber military reconnaissance aircraft with a wood and metal structure that saw service in World War II built under licence in Brasov Romania by Industria Aeronautică Română. In May 1937, Romania ordered 24 Savoia-Marchetti SM.79B bombers powered by two Romanian-built IAR K14 engines.
WorldWar2.ro - S-79B & JRS-79B
The Italians offered the tri-motored S.M. 79, but ARR wanted that the bombers be modified. The new airplane was designated S-79B and was powered by two Romanian-built Gnôme-Rhône 14K engines. By September 1938 all the airplanes had been delivered.
Azur/Frrom 1/72 SM.79 JRS B1, previewed by Scott Van Aken
In May 1937, Romania ordered 24 Savoia-Marchetti SM.79B bombers powered by two Romanian-built IAR K14 engines. This variant was designated SM-79B and equipped the 1st Bomber Group (71st and 72nd Bomber Squadron).
IAR-79 - Wikipedia
IAR-79 - și, respectiv, mai târziu, IAR-79B - este numele sub care bombardierul italian Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 a fost construit sub licență în România, de către Industria Aeronautică Română, folosind motoare românești IAR K14 de 870 cp, răcite cu aer, în loc de motoarele italiene de tip Alfa Romeo 126 de 780 cp. Modelul a suferit ...
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