IAR 79 - Wikipedia
The IAR 79 was a twin-engine bomber and military reconnaissance aircraft with a wood and metal structure that saw service in World War II built under licence in Brașov, Romania, by Industria …
IAR 79 - Wikipedia
Lo IAR 79 era un bombardiere bimotore ad ala bassa prodotto dall'azienda italiana Savoia-Marchetti e, su licenza, dall'azienda rumena Industria Aeronautică Română (IAR) negli anni …
IAR-79 - Wikipedia
IAR-79 - și, respectiv, mai târziu, IAR-79B - este numele sub care bombardierul italian Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 a fost construit sub licență în România, de către Industria Aeronautică …
IAR 79 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The IAR 79 is a bi-engine bomber military reconnaissance aircraft with a wood and metal structure that saw service in World War II built under licence in Brasov Romania by Industria …
Airplanes in the skies + FAF history: IAR JRS. 79B1 - Blogger
In May 1937, Romania ordered 24 Savoia-Marchetti SM.79B bombers powered by two Romanian-built IAR K14 engines. This variant was designated SM-79B and equipped the 1st Bomber …
IAR 79 - Wikiwand
The IAR 79 was a twin-engine bomber and military reconnaissance aircraft with a wood and metal structure that saw service in World War II built under licence in Brasov, Romania, by Industria …
WorldWar2.ro - S-79B & JRS-79B/1
Eight of these new airplanes were ordered in Italy. They were designated JIS-79B (Jumo Italian S-79B). But they didn't arrive until August 1941. The only S-79B equipped unit at the beginning …
Azur/Frrom 1/72 SM.79 JRS B1, previewed by Scott Van Aken
This variant was designated SM-79B and equipped the 1st Bomber Group (71st and 72nd Bomber Squadron). Second batch of aircraft were upgraded by replacing the IAR K14 engines …
IAR J.R.S.79B - wardrawings.be
Speed: 444 km/h | Ceiling: 7400 m | Range: 2000 km.
3 天之前 · equipped initially with two Jumo 211D 1200HP engines (JRS-79B), then with two Jumo 211F 1400HP engines (JRS-79B1). This version was equipped with 2x American type …