Ibiza - Wikipedia
Ibiza (/ ɪˈbiːzə /; [1]Spanish: [iˈβiθa]; Catalan: Eivissa [əjˈvisə]; see below) or Iviza[2] is a Spanish island in the Mediterranean Sea off the eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula. It is 150 kilometres (93 miles) from the city of Valencia. It is the third largest of the Balearic Islands in area, but the second-largest by population.
Ibizan Hound - Wikipedia
The Ibizan Hound (Spanish: podenco ibicenco, Catalan: ca eivissenc) is a lean, agile dog of the hound family. There are two hair types of the breed: smooth and wire. The more commonly seen type is the smooth. Some consider there to be a third type, long, but the longhair is most likely a variation of the wire.
Ibizan Hound Dog Breed Information - American Kennel Club
Learn more about the Ibizan Hound including personality, history, grooming, pictures, videos, and the AKC breed standard. Is the Ibizan Hound the right breed for you?
伊维萨岛11大必去景点攻略 - 在游记
2024年9月16日 · 艾维萨(Eivissa)又称老城,绝对是必去景点:它有2600年的历史,是公认的世界上最古老的城市之一。 因此,毫无疑问,艾维萨邀请你在其美丽多彩、充满历史气息的街道上展开一段旅程。 4. 伊维萨岛的海滩以其迷人的自然美景和活力的社交氛围而闻名。 这些海滩拥有细软的白沙和清澈的碧蓝水域,是夏季游客的天堂。 从热闹的大型海滩,如普拉亚登博萨和塞斯萨利纳斯,到隐藏的小海湾,如卡拉达尔,每个海滩都有其独特的魅力。 许多海滩提供众多设 …
16 of the best things to do in Ibiza - Lonely Planet
2022年3月7日 · Long known for being the world’s club-scene queen, Ibiza has quietly grown into a dreamy destination for culture-loaded city breaks, romantic country escapes, fun-filled family holidays, outdoor-adventure activities, zen-fueled retreats, and much more.
Ibizan Hound: Dog Breed Info, Pictures, Facts & Traits - Dogster
2025年3月5日 · The Ibizan Hound (Pondenco Ibicenco) is a true relic. These staggeringly elegant medium-large dogs’ ancestry dates back to around 3400 BC, and their angular physiques and huge, bat-like ears have...
伊维萨岛 - 百度百科
西班牙的伊维萨岛(Ibiza),所属 巴利阿里群岛,虽然是岛,但相当于市级单位。 Ibiza是 驰放音乐 (chill out music)的发源地,因其丰富的 夜生活 和 电子音乐 闻名于世。 伊维萨岛的历史遗迹保存完好,萨·卡莱塔聚居地 考古遗址和普伊格·德斯·墨林斯墓地遗址证实了一点,在史前,特别是 腓尼基 ─迦太基时期,伊维萨岛对于 地中海 经济发展起到了非常重要的作用。 坚固的高城是 文艺复兴 时期军事建筑的杰出范例,对于 西班牙 殖民者 在新大陆的防御性建筑的发展具有极其深 …
The Ibizan Hound Dog Breed - Hill's Pet Nutrition
The Ibizan (pronounced ee-BEE-than) hound bears an uncanny resemblance to the Egyptian god Anubis. One of the sight hound family, the breed is built on general greyhound lines, with long slender legs, a relatively narrow body, a slightly arched loin, narrow waist and long tail.
Ibiza - Portal Oficial de Turismo en Ibiza / Ibiza Official Tourism ...
UNESCO designated four local wonders—the Dalt Vila Acropolis and the historic centre of Ibiza Town, the meadows of posidonia seagrass, the Phoenician-Punic necropolis of Puig des Molins and the Phoenician settlement of Sa Caleta—World Heritage sites.
伊比赞猎犬 - 百度百科
【血统】伊比赞犬,是一种视觉敏锐,嗅觉灵敏,具有惊人弹跳力的猎犬。 在古老的犬种中是姿态优美的犬种之一。 历史久远,纪元3000年前是历代埃及王用于狩猎的猎犬。 1922年在法老墓地进行挖掘时,发现了雕刻成石像的伊比赞猎犬,是作为死者的守护犬。 在纪元前8世纪时,通过fei尼基的贸易商人从埃及带到西班牙领地伊比利亚岛,1956年美国进口了这种猎犬。 名字用伊比利亚岛命名。 【颜 色】皮毛有硬毛与软短毛两种。 毛色有红与白,黄褐色与白色等。 【身 高 …