Retrieval of subglacial rock cores is needed for cosmogenic dating evidence of past sea level. This paper describes recent engineering advances in scientific drilling of ice and subglacial …
Ice drilling - Wikipedia
Ice drilling allows scientists studying glaciers and ice sheets to gain access to what is beneath the ice, to take measurements along the interior of the ice, and to retrieve samples.
Homepage | Hercules Dome Ice Core
Over several years, a group of U.S. researchers will drill a deep ice core from Hercules Dome, Antarctica, to help provide fundamental information about Earth and to learn more about West …
Core questions: An introduction to ice cores - NASA Science
2017年8月14日 · Researchers drill ice cores from deep (sometimes more than a mile, or more than 1.6 kilometers) inside the polar ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica, as well as some …
Deep Ice Sheet Coring Drill | NSF Ice Drilling Program
The Deep Ice Sheet Coring (DISC) Drill is a tilting-tower electromechanical drill designed to take 122 mm (4.8-inch) diameter ice cores to a depth of 4,000 m. The drill recovers cores up to 3.5 …
Homepage | NSF Ice Drilling Program
The U.S. National Science Foundation Ice Drilling Program (IDP) was established by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to lead integrated planning for ice coring and drilling and provision …
South Pole Ice Core Project
The ice core was drilled during the 2014-2015 field season (0 to 736 meters) and 2015-2016 field season (736 to 1751 meters) using the new U.S. Intermediate Depth Drill. The South Pole site …
Thermal electric ice-core drills: history and new design options for ...
Antifreeze thermal electric drills (ATED) are capable of operating in polar ice caps, polythermal and temperate glaciers, in boreholes filled with water and/or hydrophilic fluids. Performance of …
Drilling Ice and Subglacial Rock Cores for Scientific Discovery in a ...
2024年4月3日 · Ice cores drilled from glaciers and ice sheets provide a critical natural archive of current and past evidence of climate and environmental change, and subglacial rock holds …
Ice core - Wikipedia
Cores are drilled with hand augers (for shallow holes) or powered drills; they can reach depths of over two miles (3.2 km), and contain ice up to 800,000 years old. The physical properties of …