Amateur Radio Products - Icom America
Icom is a world leader in the amateur radio market. Also known as ham radio, Icom makes amateur radios for use in long-range (HF) and short-range (VHF, UHF) communications. Digital technology is transforming the market, and Icom helped pioneer the development of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) equipment.
ICOM Radios, Transceivers, & More | DX Engineering
From the IC-7800—the most technologically advanced HF amateur rig ever made—to ICOM’s affordable handheld D-STAR radio, ICOM is dedicated to making cutting-edge amateur radio technology attainable for all! Shop ICOM HF and VHF/UHF transceivers, receivers, and amateur radio accessories at DX Engineering today! Show Less
Icom America
Icom,America,Land Mobile,Marine,Aviation,Amateur,Network,Systems
Amateur Radio | Personal Use - Icom America
Amateur radio is all about making connections – locally, globally, and even into space. From mountain tops to ham shacks across the globe, connect with other amateur enthusiasts and share in the enjoyment that keeps this incredible hobby going.
ICOM, IC-7300, Transceivers Base HF-6M, IC7300 - Ham Radio Outlet
HF plus 50 MHz amateur radio touchscreen transceiver. The ICOM IC-7300 features direct sampling SDR technology, a large touchscreen, real-time spectrum scope, internal antenna tuner, 100W output, SSB, CW, RTTY, AM, and FM modes, …
ICOM IC-705 HF/50/144/430 MHz All Mode Portable Transceiver …
Icom IC-705 HF/50/144/430 MHz All-Mode Portable Transceiver brings the advanced features of the IC-7300, IC-7610 and IC-9700 to a portable QRP package. It features SDR Direct Sampling technology for low noise and low distortion receiver performance and incredible voice and digital transmission capabilities.
- 评论数: 119
Amazon.com: Icom Ham Radio
IC-7100 HF/50/144/440 MHz Amateur Radio Mobile Transceiver D-Star Capable w/ Touch Screen - Original Icom USA Model
IC-7300 | Products - Icom Inc.
The IC-7300 employs an RF direct sampling system. RF signals are directly converted to digital data and processed in the FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array), making it possible to simplify the circuit construction. This system is a leading technology making an epoch in amateur radio.
ICOM IC-7300 ICOM IC-7300 HF Plus 50 MHz Transceivers - DX Engineering
ICOM IC-7300 HF Plus 50 MHz Transceivers employ a new-technology real-time touch-screen spectrum scope that leads its class in resolution, sweep speed and dynamic range. While listening to received audio, you can check the real-time spectrum …
- 评论数: 505
Icom America Company Profile
Icom is a world leader in the amateur radio market. Also known as ham radio, Icom makes amateur radios for use in long-range (HF) and short-range (VHF, UHF) communications. Digital technology is transforming the market, and Icom helped pioneer the development of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) equipment.