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GitHub - proofengineering/icoq: A regression proof selection tool …
iCoq is a regression proof selection tool for Coq, suitable for use in workflows involving continous integration services, e.g., Travis CI.
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2023年5月18日,iQOO 手机官方微博宣布,iQOO首款平板将现身5月23日19:00发布会,官方称主打“性能巨幕”,已开启预约。 5月23日还有iQOO Neo8系列手机发布。
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iCoq: Regression Proof Selection for Large-Scale Veri cation Projects Our Contribution 1 propose a regression proof selection (RPS) technique 2 implement RPS technique in tool, iCoq, which supports Coq 3 evaluate iCoq on revision histories of large Coq projects 6/21
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