IDAS NBZ - Astronomical Optical Filters
The NBZ is a dual band nebular booster filter that transfers OIII and H-alpha emission lines with the band width of 12nm (+/-0.4nm) at each band. Halos that occurred around the ojbects with …
IDAS NBZ-II 10nm Ha & 8nm OIII Dual Band Filter - Agena Astro
The IDAS NBZ-II is a new dual band nebula booster filter - the successor to the NBZ (NBZex) filter. The FWHM of the NBZ-II is 8nm (+/=0.4nm) at OIII, and 10nm (+/-0.4nm) at H-alpha …
IDAS Nebula Booster NBZ
NBZはOIII輝線とHα輝線を透過するバンド幅約12 (±0.4)nmのネビュラブースターです。 フィルター単体の繰り返し反射を低減させることにより星像周辺のハロは、先行販売していたNBX …
IDAS NBZ-II Nebula Booster
The IDAS NBZ-II is a new dual band nebula booster filter - the successor to the NBZ (NBZex) filter. The FWHM of the NBZ-II is 8nm (+/=0.4nm) at OIII, and *9.5nm (+/-0.4nm) at H-alpha …
IDAS NBZ II Nebula Booster - 2" Mounted Filter — Starizona
The IDAS NBZ-II is a dual band nebula booster filter - the successor to the NBZ (UHS) filter. The FWHM of the NBZ-II is 8nm (+/=0.4nm) at OIII, and 10nm (+/-0.4nm) at H-alpha respectively. …
IDAS NBZ Nebula Booster Filter - 48mm - OPT Telescopes
The IDAS Nebula Booster 48mm Filter is designed to enhance the contrast of Ha (Hydrogen Alpha) and OIII (Oxygen II) emission nebula while accommodating the filter spectral shift when …
IDAS NBZ-II(Nebula Booster)・48ST2-ネイチャーショッ …
本フィルターはIDASの定番技術である高密度高耐久エージングレスIAD (Ion Assist Deposition=イオンアシスト蒸着)でコーティングされます。 この技術は干渉フィルターの心 …
IDAS Filter Comparison Test Report - Cloudy Nights
2021年11月9日 · For ability to increase contrast on emission type nebulae, I would rank the filters in the following order (highest to lowest): Optolong L-eXtreme, IDAS NBZ, Optolong L …
IDAS Filters NBZ 2" - Astroshop
The IDAS-NBZ is a new, dual UHC narrow band filter for H-alpha and OIII ranges. It also counteracts light pollution and considerably increases the contrast within many nebula …
IDAS NBZ-II test drive, NGC2244 - Cloudy Nights
2024年2月10日 · "The IDAS NBZ-II is a new dual band nebula booster filter - the successor to the NBZ (NBZex) filter. The FWHM of the NBZ-II is 8nm (+/=0.4nm) at OIII, and 10nm (+/-0.4nm) …