Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka
Environmental Engineering and Industrial Waste Management Technolog...
Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka - Wikipedia
The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) is a multidisciplinary professional engineering institution in Sri Lanka. It was the Director of Public Works at the time F A Cooper, who while attending a meeting while on circuit, who planted this seed of thought.
The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka - LinkedIn
The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) is the premium body for professional engineers in Sri Lanka. Telecom & Tech Thought Leader, Trusted Advisor, Consultant, Researcher, Trainer, and...
Council 2024/2025 - iesl.lk
The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka is the multidisciplinary professional engineering institution in Sri Lanka.
Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka
"ENGINEER ", established in 1973 by The Institution of Engineers, is a Journal for dissemination of Engineering knowledge, published quarterly.
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters - ACM Digital Library
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Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka - Accreditation
The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) main focus activities include promoting the study of engineering and establishing and maintaining standards for engineering education by acting as an accreditation body.
Home - IIESL
Institution of Incorporated Engineers, Sri Lanka (IIESL) established in 1977 as “All Ceylon Engineering Diplomates Association“, was transformed to a professional body under the name of “ Institute of Engineering Diplomates, Sri Lanka”, by an Act of Parliament (Act No. 64 of 1992).
Institution of Incorporated Engineers, Sri Lanka - Wikipedia
The Institution of Incorporated Engineers, Sri Lanka (IIESL) was established in 1977 and incorporated by a Sri Lankan Act of Parliament. The institute registers engineering technologists and Incorporated Engineers under the Sydney Accord. [1]
Becoming an Incorporated Engineer - IIESL
Accredited Overseas Qualifications. The IIESL-accredited Sri Lankan Engineering Academic Qualifications as of 2010/10/09 are as follows: Accredited Sri Lankan Qualifications.