What is the difference between only if and iff?
It is the property of => sign that c=>d is same as notd=>notc. Thus , you can replace notB=>notA by A=>B. Thus A iff B can be written as A=>B and B=>A . Of course what I am saying is same …
Symbol for "if and only if": $\\implies$ or $\\iff$?
When A is sufficient for B, you say "if A then B" and write A => B. When both imply each other, you say "iff A then B" or "iff B then A" because implication is bidirectional and you write …
If vs Iff - concise explanation - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2015年11月12日 · So I'm trying to come up with a simple explanation on the difference between if and iff, whilst also testing my understanding. Are these statements valid: X > 2 if X = 5 X= 5 iff …
terminology - Are "if" and "iff" interchangeable in definitions ...
2013年11月15日 · Given a true iff statement, replacing "iff" with "if" always results in another true statement. ("iff" is stronger; it says more; it's a shorthand for two conditional propositions; cf. …
Does "iff" mean "if and only if" - Mathematics Stack Exchange
some statement iff another statement. This is a short-hand way of combining the "if-then" form of a statement, and its converse or the vice versa statement when they are both true: if another …
logic - Understanding iff - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2016年3月9日 · Your answer had me the closest to understanding how to interpret iff, but I still feel as though I am missing something fundamental about two things implying one another. …
logic - What does $\iff$ represent in Linear Algebra?
2020年12月26日 · $\begingroup$ I confirm; it is iff that in "common" math jargon is logical equivalence. The formula is not a formula of symbolic logic; thus, the bi-conditional connective …
Is there a math symbol meaning "If" or "when"?
2020年11月13日 · To introduce a logic premise normally people use the word If, or Iff (if and only if). Is there a math symbol with the same meaning?
logic - Negation of if and only if? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2010年11月15日 · Let a statement P is "X is true if and only if Y is true". What is the negation of P? I am little confused. It seems that digital equivalent of this statement is P = X and Y. Hence …
Proving an Iff Statement - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2015年6月30日 · Is it enough to use the following to justify the converse and thus complete the iff statement? Because a complex number is either real or non-real, the function will produce …