Referring external file in TNSORANAMES.ora - Stack Overflow
2011年10月17日 · You can configure the primary tnsnames.ora file to use other files as well using the IFILE command. On my laptop, for example, I have separate tnsnames.ora files for various clients. So my tnsnames.ora file looks something like
In eclipse API, How to get IFile from file that locate outside project ...
2024年12月28日 · How to get file IFile from file name in eclipse? Hot Network Questions In training a neural network, why don’t we take the derivative with respect to the step size in gradient descent?
Eclipse Plugin: Obtaining an IFile from String - Stack Overflow
2011年11月18日 · This testing-workspace has its root somewhere relatively to the plugin folder. My problem is, when I turn my IFile to an absolute path, my Eclipse testing-workspace considers the file as outside the workspace and throws exceptions. If I use the project relative path, the IFile creation from string fails and IFile is null.
Get IFile from IWorkspaceRoot and location String
2008年9月17日 · This is an Eclipse question, and you can assume the Java package for all these Eclipse classes is org.eclipse.core.resources. I want to get an IFile corresponding to a location String I have: "
java - IFile to IResource - Stack Overflow
2017年11月13日 · IFile extends IResource so if you have an IFile you have an IResource. findMember treats the path it is given as relative to the container (the workspace root in this case). So you can't use it to find a file given an absolute file path - …
c# - Convert an IFile (JSON File) to MyObject - Stack Overflow
2017年8月21日 · You can read the text from the file and then convert to JSON. You can try something like, string fileContent = null; using (var reader = new StreamReader(file.OpenReadStream())) { fileContent = reader.ReadToEnd(); } var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyObject>(fileContent );
Eclipse API: Get IFile or fully-qualified name from IJavaProject …
2014年3月11日 · Given only the name of a .java file (a String) and access to its IJavaProject, how can I find the file's IFile or fully qualified path? For example, if the file name is Foo.java, I have the String Foo. Here is my attempt, but it is too slow:
Mock File methods in .NET (like File.Copy("1.txt", "2.txt"))
2008年11月5日 · public interface IFile { void Copy(string source, string dest); void Delete(string fn); bool Exists(string fn); } public class FileImpl : IFile { public virtual void ...
How do I create an IEditorInput instance from an IFile instance?
2012年5月16日 · I have obtained the IFile reference of the .yyy file corresponding to the .xxx file, and now wish to instanciate a new TextEditor instance but it requires an IEditorInput instance for initialization. How do I create an instance of IEditorInput using my IFile instance? I also of course have access to the IProject and the usual Eclipse classes.
Eclipse Plugin Dev: IProject and IFile cannot be resolved to a type ...
2017年7月29日 · I've started research on developing for Eclipse. My intention is to make a suite to aid in the development of my custom game library. I have successfully created a "Hello World" example and am able to run successfully. I am adding to the project to test the eclipse plugin api, however, when I type IProject or IFile, both cannot be resolved to a ...