Welcome to IHBTOhio
(Download PDF} Effective March 1, 2022, the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) and the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) will implement enhancements to the Intensive Home-Based Treatment (IHBT) service in accordance with new Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rules 5122-29-28 and 5160-27-05.Notably, changes have been …
Intensive Home-Based Behavioral Health Treatment (IHBT) Program and Practice Standards 4 Clinical Program Categories Description 2.7 Comprehensiveness of intervention: Whether delivered via one individual or by members of a team, the youth and caregivers have access to comprehensive behavioral health treatment, including, but not limited to: behavioral
3 Rev. Nov 2024 3) Crisis response and availability IHBT service not on-call No immediate crisis call response available. Coordination of crisis
Rev. 11/24 5 IHBT supervisor 10% or less FTE offices, they communicate regularly and meet weekly. (virtual or in person) Unable to provide all the
IHBT Fidelity October 2024 5 Step 2: Preparing for the Fidelity Review – Reviews will be conducted on site, virtual or a combination of virtual and on site. CIP will send a request to the primary contact for the organization/team to facilitate completion and
Staff training grid IHBT Basics 3-day training sequence Clinical and Supervisory . Supports ; Weekly individual, group, and flexible ad hoc clinical supervision
Rev. 7.23 6) System of Care Perspective IHBT is implemented utilizing SOC principles as evidenced by meeting 2 or less of the 6 criteria (a-f)
Intensive Home-Based Treatment Fidelity Rating Tool Last Updated 9-23-2016 1 Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Intensive Home-Based Treatment Fidelity Rating Tool
2 | P a g e (Rev)2023 e. A summary session will be held with the supervisor and any additional administrative staff at 2.00 pm. B. Both virtual and on-site reviews require the following documentation 2 weeks prior to the site visit:
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– two reviewers complete an onsite/virtual visit at the IHBT team location for one day. Reviewers meet with and interview IHBT practitioners, supervisors and to assess how well the organization is doing at implementing the practice.