Isixhosa Names of South African Land Mammals - DocsLib
(black-backed jackal), white rhino (black rhino), Several species have more than one name; e.g. sable (vaal rhebok), red duiker (common duiker); antbear ibhenxa and ihodi, porcupine …
isiXhosa Names of South African Land Mammals - BioOne
2009年10月1日 · The isiXhosa colloquial names of 86 taxa of South African land mammals recorded in three mammalogical works and three isiXhoxa dictionaries are tabulated and …
ইহুদি - উইকিপিডিয়া
ইহুদি বা যিহূদী[১৭] (হিব্রু ভাষায়: יְהוּדִים , Yehudim; আরবি: اليهود, প্রতিবর্ণীকৃত: al-Yahūd) হল ঐতিহাসিক ইস্রায়েল ও যিহূদা রাজ্যের …
Amaqhalo ngokungabi nabuntu – iAfrika – isiXhosa
Isimilo sentombi sibonwa ehagwini: Akakho ntweni umntu ongabathandiyo abanye abantu. Ihodi lomba umngxuma lingawuhlali: Kubhekiswa kumntu owenzela abanye abantu amayelenqe …
izaci amaqali esixhosa idioms for amaxhosa explained , in zulu this …
Yini iqhalo sisagwela sentetho ibasisivakalisi esizel ubulumko injongo yalo kukuphuhlisa lento uthetha ngayo icace. Kule section ye blog sizokubalela futhi sikuchazele izaci & amaqhalo …
Ihodi Photography - Facebook
2017年8月27日 · Ihodi Photography is your window into all the fun things in life. Come, have a look!! This weekend I experienced my first Mega birding twitch in the Eastern Cape. People …
Oviston Nature Reserve | EC Parks And Tourism Agency
Situated in the north-eastern part of the Eastern Cape Province along the southern shoreline of the mighty Lake Gariep, Oviston covers an area of approximately 16 000ha and stretches from …
*' a young dreamer who achieves to be a designer ♥~
Ibhodi in English. Ibhodi Meaning and Translation from Xhosa
Ibhodi in English: What does Ibhodi mean in English? If you want to learn Ibhodi in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Xhosa to English. You can also …
HODI International | Agribusiness
H.O.D.I.'s goal is to move rural communities towards holistic and sustainable wellness, through collaborative partnerships with community groups and leaders at all levels: local, national and …