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IITBombay - edX
IIT Bombay, established in 1958, has emerged as a leading Institute in India. It is globally recognized for its quality education and strong research programs. Admissions are made through national competitive entrance examinations, considered to be the toughest in India.
eSim and Arduino on Cloud
Connect virtual components to arduino boards, write code in your browser and witness it come alive! Build digital circuits using KiCAD components, tinker with simulation parameters and …
eSim on Cloud | eSim
eSim on Cloud (https://simulation.iitbx.in/eda) is a powerful online platform that brings the capabilities of electronic circuit design and simulation to your browser. Developed as part of the IIT Bombay initiative, this platform enables users to design, simulate , and analyze electronic circuits without the need for specialized hardware or ...
Home Page | IITBombayX
IITBombayX is an online platform developed by IIT Bombay, to offer Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for individuals from varying backgrounds. We specialise in Hybrid MOOCs which captures the benefits of flipped classrooms, online lectures, and live interactions with the IITBombayX course instructors.
IITBombayX: Signals and Systems, Part 1 - edX
In this part (EE210.1x), we will explore the various properties of signals and systems, characterization of Linear Shift Invariant Systems, convolution and Fourier Transform, while the next part (EE210.2x), will deal with the Sampling theorem, Z-Transform, discrete Fourier transform and Laplace transform.
Arduino Circuit Designer - simulation.iitbx.in
Connect virtual components to arduino boards, write code in your browser and witness it come alive!. Share Circuit with your friends.
Honor - IITBombayX
What is the role of “IITBX”? IITBX offers online courses that provide opportunities for faculty-to-learner and learner-to-learner interactivity with individual assessment of learner's work followed by a certificate of achievement or other acknowledgment to participants, demonstrating their …
EDA - simulation.iitbx.in
eSim on Cloud. Online Circuit Simulator Schematic Editor