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The International Journal of Automotive Technology publishes original research in all fields of automation technology, science and engineering. Covers all aspects of thermal engineering, flow analysis, structural analysis, modal analysis, control, vehicular electronics, mechatronis, electro-mechanical engineering and optimum design methods.
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Body and Safety, Chassis, Manufacturing, Materials and Recycling 1297 Effective Mechanical Properties of an Innovative Module-Free Li-Ion Battery Pack Integrated with Honeycomb Cells and Optimum Design for Enhanced Crash Energy Absorption
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IJAT focuses on advanced automation technologies ranging from basic techniques to a variety of applications meeting industrial requirements.
International Journal of Automotive Technology - 科研通
The International Journal of Automotive Technology has as its objective the publication and dissemination of original research in all fields of AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY, SCIENCE and ENGINEERING.
International Journal of Automotive Technology - ijat.net
Xin Li, Weiwen Deng, Sumin Zhang, Yaxin Li, Shiping Song, Shanshan Wang, Guanyu Wang
小木虫论坛-SCI期刊点评专栏:拥有来自国内各大院校、科研院所的博硕士研究生和企业研发人员对期刊的专业点评,覆盖了8000+ SCI期刊杂志的专业点评信息,为国内外学术科研人员论文投稿、期刊选择等提供了专业的建议。 小木虫论坛秉承“为中国学术科研免费提供动力”宗旨,已成为千万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台!
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国际汽车技术杂志杂志-International Journal Of Automotive …
《国际汽车技术杂志》 (International Journal Of Automotive Technology)是一本以工程技术-工程:机械综合研究为特色的国际期刊。 该刊由The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers出版商创刊于2008年,刊期Bimonthly。 该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。 期刊聚焦工程技术-工程:机械领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行进行快速学术交流的信息窗口与平台。 该刊2023年影响因子为1.5。 CiteScore指数值为3.1。
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