Homepage – Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation | ETH …
ETH Zurich chevron_right; D-BAUG chevron_right; IKG; Language Selection. en. Main content. Making invisible geodata visible through human-computer interaction. Professorships. Chair of Cartography. Website Staff. Chair of Geoinformation Engineering. Website Staff.
Startseite – Institut für Kartografie und Geoinformation | ETH Zürich
CAS ETH in Geoinformationssysteme und -analysen (CAS GIS) Zur Startseite; Weiterbildung; CAS ETH in Geoinformationssysteme und -analysen (CAS GIS) ... IKG; Sprachauswahl. de. Hauptinhalt. Durch Mensch-Computer-Interaktion unsichtbare Geodaten sichtbar machen. Die beiden Professuren. Professur für Kartografie.
The Institute – Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation | ETH …
Contact. ETH Zurich Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5 8093 Zurich Switzerland
Mie-Lab – Mobility Information Engineering Lab at ETH Zürich
Welcome to the Mobility Information Engineering Lab (MIE) at ETH Zürich. The MIE Lab is part of the Chair of Geoinformation Engineering at the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation (IKG).. Our research is centered around analyzing spatio-temporal aspects of human mobility and developing methods to increase its sustainability with …
苏黎世联邦理工学院PhD position in cartography / geovisualization …
The Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation (IKG) at ETH Zurich is one of the oldest university institutes for cartography in the world. The Chair of Cartography conducts research in the field of cartographic visualisation with a focus on cartographic production technologies for topographic and thematic maps, atlases and interactive web maps.
Homepage – Chair of Geoinformation Engineering | ETH Zurich
The Chair of Geoinformation Engineering has its research foci in the areas of mobility and energy.. In the area of mobility our research lies at the intersection of mobile geographic information systems, geospatial information technologies, and mobile decision-making.. In the area of energy we focus on the development of spatio-temporal algorithms to determine the technical and economic ...
Startseite – Professur für Kartografie | ETH Zürich
Die Professur für Kartografie forscht im Bereich der kartografischen Visualisierung mit Schwerpunkten in kartografischen Produktionstechnologien, Topografische Kartografie (Geländedarstellung), Thematische Kartografie, Atlaskartografie (Schulatlanten, Nationalatlanten) und interaktive Webkartografie.
Startseite – Professur für Geoinformations-Engineering | ETH Zürich
Die Gruppe Geoinformations-Engineering hat ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte in den Bereichen Mobilität und Energie.. Im Bereich Mobilität forschen wir an der Schnittstelle von mobilen geografischen Informationssystemen, räumlichen Informationstechnologien und mobiler Entscheidungsfindung.. Im Bereich Energie strebt unsere Forschung die Entwicklung von raum-zeitlichen Algorithmen und ...
GIS-Lab at ETH Zurich
25th September 2019 Public Presentation on the 20th of December 2019, 15.00 - 17.00 (incl. Apéro riche) Location: HIT E 51 We would like to invite all participants of the GIS Lab, students of ETH and UZH, industry partners, and other interested people to the final presentations of the GIS and Geomatics Lab Autumn Semester 2019. ...
GeoVITe - About GeoVITe
GeoVITe (Geodata Versatile Information Transfer environment) is a browser-based access to geodata for research and teaching. Based on initial developments within research projects, the platform has been operated by the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation of ETH Zurich (IKG) since 2008.