IKONOS-2 - Earth Online - European Space Agency
1999年9月24日 · IKONOS-2 was an Earth-imaging satellite of DigitalGlobe Inc. which launched in 1999 and ceased operations in 2015. It is part of ESA's Third Party Missions Programme, in which ESA has an agreement with DigitalGlobe to distribute data products from the mission.
IKONOS卫星 - 百度百科
IKONOS卫星又称“伊科诺斯卫星”(Ikonos),是一颗商业对地观测卫星,并且是世界上第一颗分辨率优于1m的商业遥感卫星,可提供多光谱(MS)和全色(PAN)图像。IKONOS卫星的发射被称为“空间时代历史上最重要的发展之一”。IKONOS卫星的名词来源于希腊词eikōn,意为图 …
Ikonos - Wikipedia
IKONOS-2 was built in parallel with and as a nearly identical twin to IKONOS-1. Whereas IKONOS-1 was built with Ring Laser Gyros (RLGs) for attitude rate sensors, IKONOS-2 fortuitously was built with Hemispherical Resonator Gyros (HRGs). RLGs were found to be incompatible with long-duration space missions, whereas HRGs could last 10 or more ...
Ikonos-2 - eoPortal
2024年12月24日 · Ikonos-2 was decommissioned in March 2015, ending a 15-year mission life. <p>Launched by Space Imaging in 1999, Ikonos-2 was the world’s first commercial high-resolution imaging satellite. Ikonos-2 was built in parallel with and as an identical twin to Ikonos-1, however failure to launch Ikonos-1 led to the renaming of Ikonos-2 to Ikonos ...
IKONOS-2 Overview - Earth Online - European Space Agency
IKONOS-2 was a three-axis stabilised spacecraft, using the LM900 satellite bus system (also referred to as Block-1). The LM900 spacecraft design was based on the CRSS imaging bus. The attitude was measured by two star trackers and a Sun sensor and controlled by four reaction wheels (actuators); location knowledge was provided by a GPS receiver.
伊科诺斯卫星 - 百度百科
1999年9月24日,ikonos-2卫星由雅典娜2号运载火箭在 范登堡空军基地 发射成功,成为世界上首颗分辨率优于1m的商业 遥感卫星 。[3]2015年3月31日,ikonos卫星在超额服务15年后退役,其工作时间是设计寿命的2倍多。
IKONOS-2 - Catalog
2023年12月6日 · IKONOS-2 Metadata Updated: December 6, 2023. Since its launch in September 1999, GeoEye's IKONOS satellite has provided a reliable stream of image data since January 2000, which has become the standard for commercial high-resolution satellite data products. With an altitude of 681 km and a revisit time of …
艾科诺斯 (IKONOS-2)卫星影像网站 - 高分一号、高分二号卫星查 …
2020年4月10日 · 现在轨运行的艾科诺斯-2(ikonos-2)卫星为太空成像公司拥有,是1999年9月24日由洛马公司的雅典娜-2运载火箭从范登堡空军基地发射的。 在此之前,雅典娜-2火箭曾在同年4月27日发射了艾科诺斯-1卫星,但因火箭整流罩分离问题致使卫星未能入轨。
IKONOS卫星介绍|IKONOS卫星参数 - 北京亿景图
1999年9月24日,ikonos-2卫星由雅典娜2号运载火箭在范登堡空军基地发射成功,成为世界上首颗分辨率优于1m的商业遥感卫星。 2015年3月31日,ikonos卫星在超额服务15年后退役,其工作时间是设计寿命的2倍多。 ikonos卫星是可采集1米分辨率全色和4米分辨率多光谱影像 ...
IKONOS-2卫星介绍_影像 - 搜狐
1999年9月24日,ikonos-2卫星由雅典娜2号运载火箭在范登堡空军基地发射成功,成为世界上首颗分辨率优于1m的商业遥感卫星。 ikonos卫星是可采集1米全色分辨率和4米多光谱分辨率影像的商业卫星…