IKONOS-2 - Earth Online - European Space Agency
1999年9月24日 · IKONOS-2 was an Earth-imaging satellite of DigitalGlobe Inc. which launched in 1999 and ceased operations in 2015. It is part of ESA's Third Party Missions Programme, in which ESA has an agreement with DigitalGlobe to distribute data products from the mission.
IKONOS卫星 - 百度百科
Ikonos-2 - eoPortal
2024年12月24日 · Ikonos-2 is a commercial high-resolution imaging satellite of DigitalGlobe, Longmont, CO, USA, providing high-resolution imagery on a commercial basis. With Ikonos-2, a new era of 1 m spatial resolution imagery began for spaceborne instruments in the field of civil Earth observation.
Ikonos - Wikipedia
IKONOS was a commercial Earth observation satellite, and was the first to collect publicly available high-resolution imagery at 1- and 4-meter resolution. It collected multispectral (MS) and panchromatic (PAN) imagery.
IKONOS-2 Overview - Earth Online - European Space Agency
With IKONOS-2, a new era of 1 m spatial resolution imagery began for spaceborne instruments in the field of civil Earth observation. IKONOS-2 was the first satellite to collect publicly-available high-resolution imagery at 1- and 4-metre resolution.
伊科诺斯卫星 - 百度百科
伊科诺斯卫星(Ikonos),是一颗商业对地观测卫星,并且是世界上第一颗分辨率优于1m的商业遥感卫星,可提供多光谱(MS)和全色(PAN)图像。 Ikonos卫星的发射被称为“空间时代历史上最重要的发展之一” 。
IKONOS-2 Objectives - Earth Online - European Space Agency
IKONOS-2 was the world's first sub-metre commercial Earth imaging satellite, kick-starting what would become a multi-billion dollar industry for high-resolution satellite imagery and geospatial products and services. Over its lifetime, IKONOS-2 collected more …
landsat、spot、ikonos等各种卫星信息介绍及几种遥感影像下载方法_ikonos …
2016年12月8日 · 新型的avnir-2传感器比adeos卫星所携带的avnir具有更高的空间分辨率,主要用于陆地和沿海地区观测,为区域环境监测提供土地覆盖图和土地利用分类图。为了灾害监测的需要,avnir-2提高了交轨方向指向能力,侧摆指向角度为±44°,能够及时观测受灾地区。
IKONOS-2 - Catalog
2023年12月6日 · With an altitude of 681 km and a revisit time of approximately 3 days, IKONOS produces one-meter panchromatic and four-meter multispectral imagery that can be combined to accommodate a wide range of high-resolution imagery applications.
艾科诺斯 (IKONOS-2)卫星影像网站 - 高分一号、高分二号卫星查 …
2020年4月10日 · 艾科诺斯-2卫星由洛马公司制造,运行在高度为675km、倾角98.2o的太阳同步极轨道上,其全色(黑白)图像空间分辨率优于1m,多光谱图像分辨率可达3.28m。