Ilyushin Il-114 - Wikipedia
Ilyushin's design, the Il-114, is a low-wing, twin- turboprop monoplane, with an airframe constructed mainly of metal, with composite materials used for non-structural parts. The aircraft is powered by two Klimov TV7-117 S turboprop engines, driving six-bladed propellers.
伊尔-114 - 百度百科
伊尔-114(il-114)是俄罗斯伊留申设计局设计的双发涡轮螺桨短程客/货支线运输机。 按照国际航空组织Ⅰ和Ⅱ类使用标准设计,可昼夜飞行,复合材料约占机体重量的10%,飞机使用寿命30000小时或30000个起落,可在未铺设的跑道上起降,用于取代安-24一级的支线 ...
伊尔-114 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
伊留申伊尔-114 (简称: 伊尔-114,俄语: Илью́шин Ил-114)是一款由 伊留申設計局 所设计的 渦槳 支線客機,於1990年首飛 [3]。 1980年代,伊留申設計局著手研發一款60人座的渦輪軸動力區間客機,取代老舊的 安-24 飛機。 1980年代西方國家推出了一系列頗受好評的機種,包括 ATR_42 、 福克50 、 德哈維蘭加拿大DHC-8 、 薩博2000,在性能、營運經濟度、乘客舒適度都遠優過蘇聯過時的An-24家族。 伊留申的計畫獲得蘇聯中央的支持,在1986年 蘇聯部長會議 …
Ilyushin IL-114 - Airport Technology
The IL-114T is a freight transport model built for Uzbekistan Airways. It is fitted with a 3.31m long and 1.78m wide cargo door at the rear fuselage and a removable roller floor. The IL-114M is a maritime patrol version fitted with TV7M117 turboprop engines.
Ilyushin Il-114 - Airliners.net
The Il-114T is a freighter developed for Uzbekistan Airlines. It is fitted with a 3.31 x 1.78m (10ft 10in x 5ft 10in) freight door in the rear port fuselage and a removable roller floor. The Il-114M will feature more powerful TV7M117 engines and increased max takeoff weight allowing a payload of 7000kg (15,430lb) to be carried.
Ilyushin IL-114 Specs, Cabin, Cockpit, and Price
Ilyushin IL-114 is powered by two TV7-117S turboprop engines, each worth 1,900kW. The engine is driven by a six-bladed SV-34 propeller provided by Aerosila. Produced by Klimov Corporation, the TV7-117S consumes 500kg to 550kg of fuel per hour.
伊尔-114 - Wikiwand
Il-114为一架机身直径2.86米的区间客机,机舱直径可容纳两组双人座椅,机翼采用低单翼设计,装设双层开槽襟翼增加起降升力,动力采用克里莫夫TV7-117S涡轮轴发动机,发动机搭配SV-34六叶涡桨提升效率、降低发动机噪音,Il-114的结构主要为金属制,但在非结构 ...
Il-114 Variants - GlobalSecurity.org
Il-114T is the transport variant of the experimental airplane with a payload capacity of nearly six tonnes; Freighter version featuring a 3.25 x 1.72 meter (10.66 x 5.63 ft) cargo door on the...
Il-114 - deagel.com
The Il-114P is a scaled-down variant of the Il-114MP aircraft intended primarily to perform air patrols in the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs), ports and coast surveillance, and environmental monitoring. The Il-114P aircraft's equipment allow for detection, identification and tracking of surface vessels.
Il-114T. Freighter version featuring a 3.25 x 1.72 meter (10.66 x 5.63 ft) cargo door on the port side of the aircraft. The initial flight of the Il-114T occurred in September 1996. Maximum takeoff weight is 23,500 kilograms (51,808 lb). With a payload of 6,500 kilograms (14,330 lb), the aircraft's range is 1,000 kilometers (540 nm).