Ilyushin Il-14 - Wikipedia
The Ilyushin Il-14 (NATO reporting name: Crate) is a Soviet twin-engine commercial and military personnel and cargo transport aircraft that first flew in 1950, and entered service in 1954. The …
伊爾-14運輸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
伊留申伊尔-14 (俄语: Ил-14)是 蘇聯 伊留申設計局 研製的双發動機 客機。 北约命名 为 Crate。 用于替换苏联的 里-2 运输机。 最初设计出的 伊尔-12 于1945年首飞。 [1])但存在发 …
Ilyushin Il-14 - Airliners.net
Il-14M - Two 1415kW (1900hp) Shvetsov ASh-82T 14 cylinder radial piston engines driving four blade constant speed propellers. Il-14M - Max cruising speed 350km/h (190kt), economical …
伊尔14 - 百度百科
伊尔-14型飞机是苏联伊留申设计局在伊尔一12型 运输机 基础上改进设计的活塞式双发运输机。 1950年7月15日首次试飞,1954年底投入苏联民航航线使用。 北约组织给它起的别名是“条篓” …
List of accidents and incidents involving the Ilyushin Il-14
Ilyushin Il-14s and Avia 14s had 133 incidents and accidents during their operational history. [1] An Aeroflot Il-14 crashed on takeoff from Irkutsk Airport, killing all 17 on board. [2][3] Aeroflot …
Iljuschin Il-14 – Wikipedia
Die Iljuschin Il-14 (russisch Ильюшин Ил-14, NATO-Codename: Crate) ist ein sowjetisches Kurz- und Mittelstrecken-Verkehrsflugzeug mit zwei Kolbenmotoren. Sie war die verbesserte …
Ilyushin Il-14 specs - Flight Safety Foundation
Il-14M: Stretched Il-14P Il-14P: Airliner version, 18-32 seat. Il-14RR: Fisheries reconnaissance version. Il-14T: Military transport version. VEB 14P: Il-14Ps built by VVB Flugzeugbau under …
Forgotten Airliners part 1: Ilyushin IL-12 and IL-14 - yankeevictor400
2023年9月1日 · The Ilyushin IL-14 was developed from the IL-12 with the intention for both militairy and civil service. With the IL-12, pilots experienced severe problems with engine-out …
Ilyushin Il-12 & Il-14 - AirVectors
In service, the Il-14P proved superior to the Il-12 in all respects: better speed and range, improved handling, and greater reliability. At the time of introduction, the Il-12 was still restricted to 18 …
Fly Il-14 aircraft (Ilyushin 14 middle range passenger aircraft from ...
An Iljushin 14P, passenger version, with a long history of service throughout the former east block countries. The nickname used to be "Soviet Union" because this was written in large letters on …