Ilyushin Il-96 - Wikipedia
The Ilyushin Il-96 (Russian: Илью́шин Ил-96) is a Russian four-engined jet long-haul wide-body airliner designed by Ilyushin in the former Soviet Union and manufactured by the Voronezh Aircraft Production Association in Russia. It is powered by four high-bypass Aviadvigatel PS-90 two-shaft turbofan engines.
Ilyushin Il-96M & Il-96T - Airliners.net
The Ilyushin Il-96M long range airliner and Il-96T freighter are modernised and stretched developments of the Il-96-300 equipped with western engines and avionics. Compared with the Il-96-300 the Il-96M and -96T feature a host of improvements …
伊尔-96 - 百度百科
伊尔-96(Ил-96)是由 前苏联 伊留申设计局 (Ilyushin,苏联解体后改为 伊留申航空联合体股份公司)研制的四发动机远程双过道宽体客机。 俄罗斯总统普京的专机即采用此型号的飞机。 [1] 2023年11月1日,俄罗斯政府副总理兼工业和贸易部部长曼图罗夫表示,伊尔-96-400M远程宽体客机首飞成功。 [10] 伊尔-96由苏联第一种宽体客机--伊尔-86的基础上发展而来,提高了飞机性能。 采用了先进的结构材料及工艺技术,缩短机体长度,增加航程和改进机载设备。 伊尔-96研制 …
Ilyushin Il-96 - Airliners Now
The Il-96M is a passenger airliner seating 350-436 passengers and the Il-96T is a cargo plane with a payload capability of 92 tons. These versions are equipped with Pratt & Whitney PW2337 turbofans for better fuel efficiency and they also have western avionics (Rockwell Collins).
Ilyushin Il-96 Long-Haul Aircraft - Airport Technology
Passenger airliner Il-96M and freighter Il-96T are modern developments of the Il-96-300 with the fuselage streched in both aircraft. Il-96M is 15t heavier than Il-96-300, fitted with western-style avionics and range with 312 passengers in a three-class configuration or 92t payload is …
俄罗斯推出伊尔-96-400M 四发喷气宽体机,机身加长10米,坐390人
2023年6月13日 · il-96-400以il-96m/t机身为蓝本,航程10000公里,载客量436人,两级配置可容纳386名乘客,三级配置可容纳315名乘客乘客。 Il-96-400T是一种高载荷货机,比 Il-96-300长 9.35 米,货舱容量为776立方米,最大载货重量为92吨。
ILYUSHIN Il-96 - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Long range wide-body airliner. In service since 1993 (IL-96M since 1998). Russias second wide-body airliner based on the IL-86 with a modern western design. IL-96-300 standard version. Stretched development IL-96M. IL-96T freighter version of IL-96M. New twin engine version IL-98 under construction. IL-96M: Length 60,1 m, Height 15,2 m, MTOW ...
Iljušin Il-96 – Wikipedia
Iljušin Il-96 on neljällä suihkumoottorilla varustettu laajarunkoinen pitkän kantaman venäläinen matkustajalentokone. Se on rungoltaan lyhennetty versio Iljušin Il-86:sta. Muita eroja ovat muun muassa suurempi lentomatka, lasiohjaamo sekä fly-by-wire …
İlyuşin İl-96 - Vikipedi
İlyuşin İl-96 (Rusça: Илью́шин Ил-96), İlyuşin tarafından üretilen Rus yapımı bir jet yolcu uçağıdır. Uçak, 1980'lerde geliştirilmiş olup 1992 yılında hizmete girmiştir ve önceki İl-86 'nın yerini almıştır. Kaynakça: Ilyushin Aviation Complex, [4] FAA Certification Document A54NM ve Il-96-300 Pilot Manual.
Ilyushin IL-96: Photos, History, Specification
IL-96M is a tertiary variant developed for more than 300 passengers with Western customers in mind. This includes a Western-style cockpit and support for 4 x Pratt & Whitney PW2337 turbofan engines in the US. A 30-foot fuselage section was added for longer range, but differences with Boeing and the U.S. meant the brand never came out.