The Official ImgBurn Website
ImgBurn is a lightweight CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray burning application that everyone should have in their toolkit! Verify - Check a disc is 100% readable. Optionally, you can also have ImgBurn compare it against a given image file to ensure the actual data is correct. Discovery - Put your drive / media to the test!
The Official ImgBurn Website
Search for 'ASPI' and you'll find the links. The download contains the pfctoc.dll file which is required for proper support of .CDI image files. Please Note: ImgBurn does not require this dll …
ImgBurn (光盘刻录工具)是电脑上特别实用的光盘工具,用ImgBurn (光盘刻录工具)来刻录光盘,是非常方便简单的,用户只需要简简单单的几步就可以完成自己的目标,而且ImgBurn占用电脑内存小,使用方便,功能俱全,如果你手上拥有着各式各样的光盘图象档,又不想安装相对应的刻录软件,那就来试试这款专门刻录光盘图象档的刻录软件,喜欢汉化版的小伙伴快来下载吧! 光驱可以用来刻录光盘,但并不是只有普通光驱才能刻录光盘。 可以刻录光盘的光驱称为“CD刻录机” …
ImgBurn汉化版下载-ImgBurn中文版下载-ImgBurn版本大全_3DM …
2025年1月2日 · ImgBurn是一款功能强大的光盘镜像刻录工具,主要用于处理各种光盘镜像文件,以便将光盘内容捕获为镜像文件,还可以将镜像文件刻录到光盘上。 它支持刻录几乎所有常见的光盘映像,并具有许多先进的防死机和坏盘刻录功能。 下面就为大家带来ImgBurn版本大全。 ImgBurn是一款专门用于刻录光盘的软件,没有市面刻录软件的强大功能,但却拥有着极佳的反应速度,以及支持市面十多种光盘图象档。 如果你手上拥有着各式各样的光盘图象档,又不想 …
Various Drives - BurnerMAX Payload - MKM-001-00 - ImgBurn …
2013年1月30日 · MID: MKM-001-00. Supported Write Speeds: 2.4x DVD±R DL Boundary Information: L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,086,912. Changeable: Yes Physical Format Information (ADIP - L0): Disc ID: MKM-001-00. Book Type: DVD+R DL. Part Version: 1. Disc Size: 120mm. Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified. Number of Layers: 2. Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP) Linear ...
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Verbatim 2.4x DVD+R DL [MKM-001-00] - ImgBurn Support Forum
2006年10月5日 · Media: Verbatim 2.4x DVD+R DL [MKM-001-00] Burnt With: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-111 1.29 (ATA) BENQ DVD DD DW1640 BSRB (ATA) PLEXTOR DVDR PX-716A 1.10 (ATA)
Optimal L1 Data Zone Start LBA: None Found (VTS_01)
2006年11月7日 · Extract the contents somewhere and then use Build mode to make a proper DL image for burning to OTP DL media. At the moment you've just burnt the image without any regard for the layer break or correct alignment of cells etc. That's not a problem unless you have a picky DVD player - I guess you haven't.
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