Varget vs IMR 4064.....H4350 vs IMR 4350 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2012年4月11日 · We all agreed we leaned towards Varget for temp sensitivity issues, BUT most of us agreed our overall accuracy was best with the trusted old powder, IMR 4064. And many …
.223 and IMR 4064 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2008年6月18日 · Re: .223 and IMR 4064 This will get you started. With the long kernels and burn rate you'll have a hard time getting too much in with the 55's. I use 4064 in my 223AI and 308, …
308 win, what's your favorite IMR4064 recipe? - Sniper's Hide
2012年1月22日 · IMR 4064 @ 43.0 to 44.0 usually works nicely for the 165 to 175 bullets. The different varieties of makers bullets vary about 1/2 grain between them based on equal …
308 ar-10 168 eldm imr4064 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2013年5月30日 · Getting ready to load up some ammo for the gas gun just wondering if anyone had any info on this setup? I would really appreciate the help. Aero m5 308 tbac 7 starline lrp …
Imr 4064 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2010年12月29日 · I'd choose 4895 over 4064 for 155's if limited to IMR's. I got good accuracy and loads of scoot with that combo. I think the kernels of 4064 are too long to get the same speeds.
IMR-4064 vs ACCURATE 4064 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2013年3月21日 · I should mention that I would be reloading for my Rem. 700 308 Tactical with the 20" bull barrel using 165-175gr bullets. Also, according to Hodgdons burn rate chart AA4064 is …
imr 4064 in 308 - Sniper's Hide
2003年7月9日 · Re: imr 4064 in 308 Compressed charges are fine. My Varget load goes 'crunch' when I seat the bullet. 4064 is good powder for .308: if your rifle doesn't shoot well with 4064 …
.308--IMR 4895 vs. IMR 4064? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2008年10月23日 · Re: .308--IMR 4895 vs. IMR 4064? 4895's work better in semi actions and work great in bolt actions. The H is temperature insinsitive like Varget. Group size will open in …
IMR 4064 and 6mm ARC? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2003年7月22日 · Good day all, With the shortage of components etc. Wondering about using ya got, has anyone run the numbers or have any load data reloading 4064 with the new 6mm …
IMR 4064/IMR 4895 for 6.5 Creedmoor Inexperienced Reloader
2021年2月11日 · I may have an opportunity to get some IMR 4064 or IMR 4895. I found load data for these powders for 6.5 Creedmoor but it also seems like not many folks use these powders …