IMR-2M Russian Heavy Combat Engineering Vehicle - United …
The purpose of the IMR-2M obstacle-clearing vehicle is to provide for the free movement of troops across. zones of destruction, including areas affected by nuclear attacks. Based on the chassis...
IMR-2 - Wikipedia
The IMR-2 is a Soviet and Russian tracked military engineering vehicle built on T-72 main battle tank chassis. IMR stands for Inzhenernaya Mashina Razgrazhdeniya (Russian: инженерная машина разграждения-2; ИМР-2), meaning "Clearing Engineering Vehicle".
IMR-2M - Army Recognition
2024年11月12日 · The purpose of the IMR-2M obstacle-clearing vehicle is to provide for the free movement of troops across. zones of destruction, including areas affected by nuclear attack. Based on the chassis of the T-72A tank, the vehicle mounts the following equipment: a versatile dozer blade, a telescoping boom furnished with a multipurpose attachment, and ...
IMR-2 | Military Wiki | Fandom
IMR-2M2: Improved version that is better suited for operations in dangerous situations, for example in contaminated areas. It entered service in 1990 and has a modified crane arm with bucket instead off the pincers.
IMR - Army Recognition
2024年7月30日 · IMR-2: Combat engineering vehicle based on T-72 chassis. It has a telescoping crane arm which can lift between 5 and 11 metric tons and utilizes a pincers for uprooting trees. Pivoted at the front of the vehicle is a dozer blade that can be used in a V-configuration or as a straight dozer blade.
IMR-2 - Army Recognition
2024年7月29日 · This combat engineer vehicle is designed for mobility operations, creating convoy tracks and accomplishing other engineer tasks. The IMR-2 Is the second version of obstacle clearing vehicle which replaced the IMR based on T-55 main battle tank chassis. Today, IMR-2 is the most efficient and promising combat engineer vehicle.
【坦克型号盘点系列】T-72/90底盘的其他衍生车辆(重置版) - 哔 …
基于T-90A或T-72B3 mod.2016底盘改造而来的新型装甲工程车,车内空间比IMR-2/3更大,工兵工作环境更好,整体也更为现代化。
IMR-2战斗工程车 - 百度百科
imr-2战斗工程车 履带式底盘实际上是一种装甲车,主要由T-72A坦克部件和组件构成。 该车采用十二缸四冲程多燃料水冷式柴油机的,具有两种的启动系统:压缩空气启动系统、电启动系统。
IMR-2 - deagel.com
The IMR-2 is an armored breaching vehicle developed by the former Soviet Union to support armored formations replacing the IMR vehicles based upon the T-54/T-55 tanks. The IMR-2 engineer vehicle was developed upon the T-72 tank chassis in the 1970s.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The IMR-2M Russian Heavy Combat Engineering Vehicle is designed for operations in hazardous environments, featuring a modified crane arm and improved capabilities.