Inch of mercury - Wikipedia
Inch of mercury (inHg and ″Hg) is a non-SI unit of measurement for pressure. It is used for barometric pressure in weather reports, refrigeration and aviation in the United States. It is the …
Convert in Hg to psi - Conversion of Measurement Units
It is defined as the pressure exerted by a column of mercury of 1 inch in height at 32 °F (0 °C) at the standard acceleration of gravity. 1 inHg = 3,386.389 pascals at 0 °C.
Convert inhg to psi - Conversion of Measurement Units
Inches of mercury or inHg is a non-SI unit for pressure. It is still widely used for barometric pressure in weather reports and aviation in the United States, but is considered somewhat …
Convert in Hg to psig - Conversion of Measurement Units
It is defined as the pressure exerted by a column of mercury of 1 inch in height at 32 °F (0 °C) at the standard acceleration of gravity. 1 inHg = 3,386.389 pascals at 0 °C.
真空度inHg与kpa之间的换算关系,谢谢 - 百度知道
1 inch Hg = 3,386 Pa=3.386kpa。 处于真空状态下的气体稀薄程度,通常用真空度表示。 真空度数值是表示出系统压强实际数值低于大气压强的数值,即: 真空度=(大气压强—绝对压强)若 …
ver 08-Aug-2017 % Vacuum. ATM (standard atmosphere) PSIG negative gauge. Torr (mm Hg) negative gauge. inches Hg negative gauge. kPa negative gauge. bar negative gauge
Pressure Converter: inHg, Pa, bar, atm, psi - AviationHunt
Seamlessly convert between key pressure units, such as Inches of Mercury (inHg), Millimeters of Mercury (mmHg), Pascal (Pa), HectoPascal (hPa) or Millibar (mb), Bar (bar), Atmosphere …
inHg – Inches of Mercury at 0 degrees C Pressure Unit
Inch of Mercury is a British and American unit of measure for pressure. 1 inch of mercury at 0 degrees Celsius (32 deg F) equals 3386.39 pascals. An inch of mercury at zero degrees …
Inches of mercury (inHg) Conversion - TrustConverter
Inches of mercury (inHg) conversion calculators, tables and definition, converts Inches of mercury to other pressure units.
inHg to psi Conversion Table - SensorsONE
Choose a value between 0 and 40 inHg 0°C from the pressure conversion table below, to obtain the converted value in psi. Scroll down to a pressure from 0.01 to 40.00 inches of mercury …