Using PHP GET and POST variables efficiently - Useful Snippets
2014年11月7日 · Most PHP frameworks nowadays have helper functions for HTTP GET/POST variables ($_GET and $_POST). But sometimes, you may still have to use the raw values, …
User interface code includes both code that generates a UI and code that interprets user actions. The MVC pattern states that the application contains the layers Model, View and Controller. View contains all code related to the user interface, but no other code.
Stemming different languages in PHP - Useful Snippets
2013年12月5日 · While working with a Naive Bayes Classifier in PHP, I needed to do some stemming. In particular I needed Porter stemming in Swedish, but most libraries provide only English. PECL stem to the rescue! It is easily installed using: And adding the following to your php.ini: (Don’t forget to restart Apache!)
int(3) means an integer with three digits. create table <table name> (<column name>, <data type> [,<column name>, <data type>]...)
Tutorial - curl
Using the curl functions in PHP. Everything curl with a PHP angle. Or PHP with a curl angle. curl-and-python. Python hackers using curl with or without the python binding pycurl.
Safe and unsafe PHP $_SERVER variables - Useful Snippets
2013年6月12日 · REMOTE_HOST relies on reverse DNS lookups though and may hence be spoofed by DNS attacks against your server (in which case you have bigger problems anyway). This value may be a proxy, which is a simple reality of the TCP/IP protocol and nothing you can do anything about.
2-way encryption with AES 256bit (CBC) in PHP – Ways of the nix's
PHP-Class for encryption of text. I use it for safe storage of information in databases. The key should be secret and personal to each user, the IV is public and is prepended in front of the encrypted string with a “:” as the delimiter.
Step-by-Step Guide to Create Chain Methods in PHP
2023年11月8日 · Creating chain methods in PHP, also known as method chaining, involves designing your classes in such a way that methods return the object itself ($this), allowing you …
Get week starting and ending date in PHP - ZimplicIT
This is how you can get the week starting date or ending date by giving a week number and the year. * Get starting date from week number and year. * Monday is first day of week. * @param …
Convert a CSV-file to HTML table in PHP - ZimplicIT
You have a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file on the server and want to convert it to a HTML table. This example use the first row as a header. A simple way to ignore a header row is to let …
Qualified electronic signatures in PDFs using PHP and a USB
Adding a digital signature to a PDF file is relatively easy using a library such as TCPDF, as long as your personal certificate is stored somewhere on your server/computer.
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How to Install ionCube PHP Loader on Ubuntu & Debian in NGINX
2019年9月5日 · This tutorial shows you how to actually install the module ionCube PHP loader in Ubuntu & Debian with the NGINX web server. The reason I am writing this tutorial even though there are many other similar ones is because they do not work. They have missed a step 😛. Alright so lets download ionCube. Then extract it! Next you want to enter it:
Quickstart commands for setting up PHP 8.3 with Nginx on
2024年3月27日 · So in this post is a super to the point list of commands to get a server up and running with PHP 8.3 and Nginx on ubuntu server 22.04. This guide assumes that you are …
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To send a zero-length (empty) POST, set CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS to an empty string, or set CURLOPT_POST to 1 and CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE to 0.
How to set correct PHP-version in PhpStorms terminal with Laravel …
2023年9月26日 · Follow these steps (you will need to change these paths so they are correct for your own system): Enter PhpStorm settings (Cmd+,) and in the "PHP" section under "CLI intepreter", enter /Users/victor/Library/Application Support/Herd/bin/php8.0/php as the path for your "PHP executable".
issetor shorthand function in PHP | GerillaFilm
Basically it is shorthand for when you want to print a variable if it is set or exists. Instead of doing a bunch of is/or checks on your variable, try this instead: Usage: Or in a HTML-template: Since the function takes two arguments, the variable itself and a default value, you could change the default behaviour if you want.
store the curl output over there | daniel.haxx.se
2020年9月10日 · In curl 7.73.0, we introduce this new command line option --output-dir that goes well together with all these output options. It tells curl in which directory to create the file. If you want to download the pancake image, and put it in $HOME/tmp no …
Add Ondrej PPA for supported php extensions on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
2025年1月14日 · Make sure you run an apt update && apt upgrade before adding this repo. Reboot as necessary. $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php. Check the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ondrej.list and make sure the distro name is proper. Ie Ubuntu 22.04 should have jammy in the mentioned repo file. $ sudo apt install php8.2.