Active and inactive contributions to the wall pressure and wall …
2025年1月16日 · For wall pressure, active and inactive motions respectively contribute to the intermediate and large scales of the p_w -spectrum. Both these contributions are found to increase with increasing Re_ {\tau } owing to the broadening and energization of the wall-scaled (attached) eddy hierarchy.
Active and inactive contributions to the wall pressure and wall …
2024年6月22日 · For wall pressure, active and inactive motions respectively contribute to the intermediate and large scales of the $p_w$-spectrum. Both these contributions are found to increase with increasing $Re_{\tau}$ owing to the broadening and energization of the wall-scaled (attached) eddy hierarchy.
Wall-scaled (attached) eddies play a significant role in the overall drag experienced in high-Reynolds-number turbulent boundary layers (TBLs). This study aims to delve into the underlying mechanisms driving this phenomenon by dissecting the active and inactive components of these attached eddies, as initially proposed by Townsend (1976).
de Giovanetti et al. (2016), who hypothesized that the inactive parts of the wall-scaled eddies are responsible for transporting large-scale energy produced in the outer layer (by active parts), to the wall. As perBradshaw(1967), this process is necessarytomaintainthenear-wallenergybalanceandissketchedinfigures2(c-e).
Here, we in-vestigate the seminal proposal by Townsend [35, 34] that wall-bounded flows are comprised of active and inactive motions; the active motions being those that are solely responsible...
(PDF) Active and inactive contributions to the wall pressure and wall …
2024年6月22日 · For wall pressure, active and inactive motions contribute to the $p_w$-spectra at intermediate and large scales, respectively. Their contributions are found to increase with increasing $Re_...
Active and inactive components of the streamwise velocity in wall …
2020年9月6日 · In this paper, we propose a method to segregate the active and inactive components of the 2-D energy spectrum of the streamwise velocity, thereby allowing us to test the self-similarity characteristics of the former which are central to …
Here, we investigate the seminal proposal by Prof. A. A. Townsend (Townsend 1961, JFM; Townsend 1976, CUP) that wall bounded flows are comprised of active and inactive motions; the active motions being those that are solely responsible for producing Reynolds shear stress and follow self-similarity when normalised with distance from the wall and ...
Active and inactive motions in wall turbulence - ResearchGate
PDF | On Dec 11, 2020, Rahul Deshpande and others published Active and inactive motions in wall turbulence | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
The contribution of active and inactive structures to the statistics …
2017年12月1日 · We introduce the idea of conditional averaging based on active and inactive structures. The separate contribution of active/inactive structures to turbulence statistics is identified. Turbulence statistics associated with the law of the wall are linked to inactive structures.