What Is an Infocube in SAP BI/BW? How To Create One? - Guru99
2024年8月13日 · Infocubes are the central multidimensional data model in BI. It is a self-enclosed data set encompassing one or more related business processes. A reporting user can define …
InfoCube (SAP Library - Business Intelligence)
InfoCubes are filled with data from one or more InfoSources or other InfoProviders. They are available as InfoProviders for analysis and reporting purposes. The data is stored physically in …
SAP BW - InfoCube - Online Tutorials Library
InfoCubes consist of different InfoObjects and are structured according to the star schema. There are large fact tables that contains key figure for InfoCube and multiple smaller dimension …
什么是 SAP BI / BW 中的 Infocube? 如何创建一个? · Guru99 中 …
Infocube 是数据存储区,我们在其中维护从物理上从源系统提取的数据。 InfoCube 既可以充当数据目标又可以充当 InfoProvider。 从报告的角度来看,Infocube 可以描述为一个独立的数据集 …
BW InfoCube and Extended Star Schema - CSDN博客
2016年3月1日 · • InfoCubes are the central objects of the multidimensional model in SAP NetWeaver BW. Most BEx reports and analyses are based on these. From a reporting …
Creating InfoCubes - SAP Online Help
An InfoCube is a type of InfoProvider. It describes a closed data set (from an analysis point of view) a self-contained dataset, for example, a business-orientated area. An InfoCube is …
2013年10月13日 · The central objects upon which the reports and analyses in BW are based are called InfoCubes & we can seen as InfoProviders. an InfoCube is a multidimensional data …
InfoCubes (SAP Library - Business Intelligence) - SAP Online Help
An InfoCube is a set of relational tables arranged according to the star schema: A large fact table in the middle surrounded by several dimension tables. InfoCubes are filled with data from one …
SAP BW InfoCube Tutorial - Free SAP BW Training - ERProof
2017年12月14日 · SAP BW InfoCube is a type of InfoProvider on which queries can be defined or executed. InfoCubes can store data in real DB tables or virtually collect it.
InfoCubes basic concepts
An InfoCube is the element of Board’s multidimensional database that allows storing and retrieving data using the multidimensional metaphor. An InfoCube has dimensions, providing …