Korean People's Army - Wikipedia
The Korean People's Army (KPA; Korean: 조선인민군; MR: Chosŏn inmin'gun) encompasses the combined military forces of North Korea and the armed wing of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK). The KPA consists of five branches: the Ground Force, the Naval Force, the Air Force, the Strategic Force, and the Special Operations Forces.
Korean People's Army Special Operations Forces - Wikipedia
The Korean People's Army Special Operations Forces (KPASOF; Korean: 조선인민군 특수작전군; Hanja: 朝鮮人民軍 特殊作戰軍; Chosŏn-inmin'gun teugsujagjeongun) are the special forces of Korean People's Army. It performs military, political, and psychological operations.
朝鮮人民軍特殊作戰軍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
朝鮮人民軍特殊作战军 (朝鲜语:조선인민군 특수작전군/朝鮮人民軍特殊作戰軍 Chosŏn-inmin'gun teugsujagjeongun)或称朝鲜人民军特种作战军,是 朝鲜人民军 受過高度訓練和擁有特殊裝備的軍事單位,他們負責為 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國 進行一連串的軍事行動,當中包括政治戰和 心理戰。 這些單位活躍於測試 大韓民國 的國防能力,並在 韓戰 結束後多次入侵該國進行隱蔽行動。 [2][3] 目前(2010年)已知該單位有200,000名士兵, [1] 這也令北韓一度成為世界上 …
朝鲜人民军航空与反航空军 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
朝鮮人民軍航空與反航空軍 (朝鲜语:조선인민군 항공 및 반항공군/朝鮮人民軍 航空 및 反航空軍)是 朝鮮人民軍 的 空中作戰軍種,拥有11万兵力和40万的预备役,包括机组人员、维修 后勤 人员以及管理指挥人员,为朝鲜人民军第二大的兵种。 它拥有1,600到1,700架地各式飞機,这些过去主要由苏联提供。 空军司令部位于 平壤 市 中和郡,是 朝鲜人民军总参谋部 旗下的一个兵种司令部,正式名称是空军与防空司令部,统管国土防空部队。 由于朝鲜是以 陆军 为主的综合军 …
朝鮮人民軍陸軍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
朝鮮人民軍陸軍 (朝鲜语:조선인민군 륙군/朝鮮人民軍 陸軍)是 朝鮮人民軍 的 陸上作戰部隊,逾百萬兵力,也是目前北韓軍隊中人數最多的 軍種,甚至朝鮮人民軍在建軍之初的軍旗便是直接沿用其陸軍軍旗。 截至2001年為止,朝鮮人民軍陸軍預計有約1,003,000成員規模,可編成20個 軍團 、176個 師 和 旅。 陸軍軍隊有近70%的現役部隊以及占全國大多數的火砲和裝甲戰鬥車輛 ,進駐邊境附近與 大韓民國國軍 對峙著。 除了正規軍外,朝鮮人民軍陸軍也有一個規模超 …
Korean People's Army Ground Force - Wikipedia
The Korean People's Army Ground Force (KPAGF; Korean: 조선인민군 륙군; Hancha: 朝鮮人民軍 陸軍; MR: Chosŏn-inmin'gun Ryukkun, lit. 'Korean People's Military Army') is the main branch of the Korean People's Army, responsible for land-based military operations. The Korean People's Army Ground Force was formed on August 20, 1947.
Korean People's Army Special Operations Forces - Military Wiki
The Korean People's Army Special Operations Forces (KPASOF; Korean language: 조선인민군 특수작전군; Hanja: 朝鮮人民軍 特殊作戰軍; Chosŏn-inmin'gun teugsujagjeongun) are the special forces of Korean People's Army. It consist of specially equipped and trained elite military units trained to perform military, political, or psychological operations for North Korea.
The North Korean People's Army : origins and current tactics / …
Chosŏn Inmin'gun. Includes bibliographical references (pages 143-152) and index.
Korean People's Army | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Korean People's Army (KPA; Chosŏn'gŭl: 조선인민군; Chosŏn inmin'gun), also known as the People's Army (Chosŏn'gŭl: 인민군; Inmin Gun), are the military forces of North Korea. Kim Jong-un is the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army and Chairman of the National Defence Commission.
Ch’ŏnma-216 - Tank Encyclopedia
2024年12月14日 · From the creation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in 1948 until the late 1960s, the Chosŏn Inmin’gun (Eng: Korean People’s Army) was equipped with Soviet and Chinese armored vehicles. About 1,000 T-34-85 medium tanks and an unknown but limited number of T-54-2s and T-54-3s were received by the Hermit Kingdom after the Korean War.