Inn - Wikipedia
Inns are generally establishments or buildings where travelers can seek lodging, and usually, food and drink. Inns are typically located in the country or along a highway. Before the advent of motorized transportation, they also provided accommodation for horses. An innkeeper is the person who runs an inn.
国际非专有药名 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
国际非专有药名 [1] (international nonproprietary name,INN)又称国际非专属药名 [2] 、国际非专利药名,是研发药物机构向世界卫生组织申请后获得核准的药品正式名称,属官方的非专利性名称,且为全球通用的唯一性名称;INN 属于一种通用名 [3] [4] 。
Inn (river) - Wikipedia
The Inn (German pronunciation: [ɪn] ⓘ; Latin: Aenus; [2] Romansh: En) is a river in Switzerland, Austria and Germany. The 518 km (322 mi) long river is a right tributary of the Danube, being the third largest tributary of the Danube by discharge. The highest point of its drainage basin is the summit of Piz Bernina at 4,049 m (13,284 ft).
Hotel - Wikipedia
Inns began to cater to wealthier clients in the mid-18th century. One of the first hotels in a modern sense was opened in Exeter in 1768. Hotels proliferated throughout Western Europe and North America in the early 19th century, and luxury hotels began to spring up in the later part of the 19th century, particularly in the United States.
Inn – Wikipedia
Der Inn (rätoromanisch En ⓘ /?, lateinisch Aenus, auch Oenus, [8] altgriechisch Αἶνος [9]) ist ein 517 km langer, durch die Schweiz, Österreich und Deutschland verlaufender rechter Nebenfluss der Donau. An der Mündung in Passau fließen im Mittel 738 m³/s Wasser in die nur 690 m³/s heranführende Donau. [10]
東橫INN - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
東橫inn(日语: 東横イン )是一間日本商務酒店集團,創立於1986年1月。 由於總部設於 東京 與 横濱 之間的 蒲田 ,因此取名為「東橫」,與旗下擁有數個以「東橫」冠名之事業的 東急集團 沒有任何關係。
Inn (folyó) – Wikipédia
Az Inn folyó (rétorománul En, latinul Aenus, görögül Αἶνος [Ainosz]) a Duna 517 km hosszúságú, jobb oldali mellékfolyója Svájcban, Ausztriában, és Németországban. Svájcban ered a Maloja-hágó és a Lunghin-tó közelében, 2484 m tengerszint feletti magasságban .
Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
Inn - Wikipedia
L' Inn (in romancio En, in latino Aenus[1], in italiano storico Eno o Inno[2]) è un importante fiume dell' Europa centrale, tributario destro del Danubio, lungo 517 chilometri.
Inn – Wikipedia
Inn (rätoromanska: En) är en 525 km lång flod i Centraleuropa. Den rinner genom staden Innsbruck och rinner ut i Donau vid Passau i södra Tyskland. [1] Inns avrinningsområde är 25 700 km² och medelvattenföringen i floden är 760 m³/s. Som högst har …