HK inno.N
Find out the latest news of inno.N as it continues its rise as a global biotechnology and pharmaceuticals company.
바이오헬스기업 HK이노엔. 케이캡, 컨디션, 비원츠 등 전문의약품 및 헬스, 뷰티, 음료 제품 소개, 연구소개, ESG 등 정보 제공.
罗欣药业与韩国HK inno.N Corporation就引进替戈拉生注射剂产品 …
罗欣药业与HK inno.N Corporation(原CJ HealthCare Corporation)合作始于2015年,双方就替戈拉生片在中国境内独家开发、生产及商业化权益达成协议。2017 年 6 月该项目获得临床试验批件,2019年首个III期临床研究结果达到主要疗效终点。
HK inno.N (KOSDAQ:195940) Company Profile & Description
3 天之前 · HK inno.N Corporation was founded in 1984 and is headquartered in Cheongju-si, South Korea. Company profile for HK inno.N Corporation (KOSDAQ:195940) with a description, list of executives, contact details and other key facts.
先为达生物与HK inno.N Corporation宣布就伊诺格鲁肽注射液的韩 …
2024年5月7日 · 伊诺格鲁肽注射液是一种具有cAMP偏向性的新型长效GLP-1激动剂,可用于治疗2型糖尿病、肥胖症和代谢功能障碍相关的脂肪性肝炎(MASH)。 根据协议,先为达生物将获得首付款, 并将有资格获得高达5600万美元的研发、注册和商业化相关的里程碑付款,以及产品商业化后高达两位数字的销售额提成。 HK inno.N Corporation将获得在韩国开发和商业化伊诺格鲁肽注射液的独家权益。 先为达生物仍将保留在全球所有其他市场开发和商业化伊诺格鲁肽注射 …
HK inno.N moves topical JAK inhibitor into phase 2 for atopic ...
2025年3月17日 · HK inno.N has secured approval from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for a phase 2 trial of IN-115314, a topical janus kinases (JAK-1) inhibitor targeting mild to moderate atopic dermatitis.Unlike oral JAK inhibitors, IN-115314 is designed for direct application to inflamed skin, limiting system
HK inno.N
inno.N operates the prescription drugs, health, and beauty businesses and is making a leap into a global pharmaceutical company through active exports and partnerships. inno.N is targeting the global pharmaceutical&bio market beyond Korea with …
先为达生物与HK inno.N Corporation宣布就伊诺格鲁肽注射液的韩 …
2024年5月7日 · 伊诺格鲁肽注射液是一种具有cAMP偏向性的新型长效GLP-1激动剂,可用于治疗2型糖尿病、肥胖症和代谢功能障碍相关的脂肪性肝炎(MASH)。 根据协议,先为达生物将获得首付款,并将有资格获得高达5600万美元的研发、注册和商业化相关的里程碑付款,以及产品商业化后高达两位数字的销售额提成。 HK inno.N Corporation将获得在韩国开发和商业化伊诺格鲁肽注射液的独家权益。 先为达生物仍将保留在全球所有其他市场开发和商业化伊诺格鲁肽注射液 …
5600万美元!先为达GLP-1“出海”韩国 - 煜森资本
2024年5月9日 · 伊诺格鲁肽注射液是一种具有cAMP偏向性的新型长效GLP-1激动剂,经优化提高生物活性,降低生产成本,可满足每周一次给药。 糖尿病Ⅱ期临床试验数据显示,治疗20周后,伊诺格鲁肽注射液1.2mg组的糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)相对基线改变值达2.4%;中国超重和肥胖症Ⅰc/Ⅱa期临床试验中期数据显示,治疗14周后,伊诺格鲁肽注射液1.8mg组的受试者平均体重下降了9.6%(8.3公斤);国际多中心肥胖症Ⅱb期临床试验数据显示,治疗18周后,伊诺格鲁肽 …
HK inno.N speeds up developing homegrown obesity drug
2025年1月2日 · HK inno.N has submitted an IND (investigative new drug) plan for a phase 3 clinical trial of a GLP-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1 RA) for treating obesity, drawing the industry’s interest. The company said Tuesday that it has presented a phase 3 IND for its obesity treatment candidate IN-B00009 to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.