With High NA EUV, Intel Foundry Opens New Frontier in …
2024年4月18日 · Intel’s TWINSCAN EXE:5000 High NA EUV tool from lithography leader ASML is now going through calibration steps in preparation for production of Intel’s future process roadmap. The new tool has the ability to dramatically improve resolution and feature scaling for next-generation processors by changing the optics design for projecting ...
Press Kit: High NA EUV at Intel
2024年4月18日 · Intel Foundry has received and assembled the industry’s first High Numerical Aperture (High NA) Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) lithography system. The new tool provides the ability to dramatically improve resolution and feature scaling for the next generation of processors, enabling Intel Foundry to continue process leadership beyond Intel 18A.
Intel 透露 4nm EUV 工艺进展:每瓦性能提升 20% ,进展良好, …
EUV 光刻机应该是 Intel 当前量产 Intel 4/3 以及后续更多工艺的一个掣肘。 主要是因为 ASML 作为唯一的 EUV 光刻机供应商,供货水平根本就跟不上。 而 Intel 当前的 EUV 光刻机保有量远远低于台积电和三星,要在尖端工艺上达成此前芯片的产能,光刻机缺得比较严重。
Intel completes assembly of first commercial High-NA EUV …
2024年4月18日 · Intel Foundry announced Thursday that it had completed the assembly of the industry's first commercial High Numerical Aperture (High-NA) Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) machine in its D1X fab in...
首台商用High NA EUV光刻机完成组装,将助力Intel 14A工艺开发
2024年4月19日 · 资料显示,ASML的第一代High NA EUV(EXE:5000)的分辨率为 8nm,可以实现比现有EUV光刻机小1.7倍物理特征的微缩,从将单次曝光的晶体管密度提高2.9倍 ...
High-NA EUV光刻机入场,究竟有多强? - 36氪
2 天之前 · 今年1月,ASML首台High-NA EUV光刻机的主要组件抵达英特尔,随后在3月初,英特尔分享了一段视频,展示了在英特尔位于美国俄勒冈州的 D1X 工厂内,ASML 工程团队安装调试的部分画面。 ASML 发言人 Monique Mols 在公司举行的媒体参观活动中表示,安装这台重达 150000 公斤的系统共计用时 6 个月,需要 250 个集装箱和 250 名工程师。...
英特尔详解 Intel 3 工艺:应用更多 EUV 光刻,同功耗频率提升至 …
2024年6月19日 · Intel 3 是英特尔最后一代 FinFET 晶体管工艺,相较 Intel 4 增加了使用 EUV 的步骤,也将是一个长期提供代工服务的节点家族,包含基础 Intel 3 和三个变体节点。 其中 Intel 3-E 原生支持 1.2V 高电压,适合模拟模块的制造;而未来的 Intel 3-PT 进一步提升了整体性能,并支持更精细的 9μm 间距 TSV 和混合键合。 英特尔宣称,作为其“终极 FinFET 工艺”, Intel 3-PT 将在未来多年成为主流选择,与埃米级工艺节点一同被内外部代工客户使用。 相较于仅包含 …
High-NA EUV lithography: The next leap in chip manufacturing
5 天之前 · Intel Foundry, the semiconductor manufacturing division of Intel, was the first company to complete the assembly of ASML’s first commercial High NA EUV lithography scanner about a year ago in its Hillsboro, Oregon, fab. The tool will allow Intel Foundry to improve precision and scalability in chip manufacturing.
Intel has processed 30,000 wafers with High-NA EUV chipmaking …
2025年2月25日 · Intel has started using two leading-edge ASML High-NA Twinscan EXE:5000 EUV lithography tools, the company revealed on Monday at an industry conference, Reuters reports. The company uses these...
Intel completes assembly of world's most advanced EUV …
2024年4月18日 · Intel Corp.’s newly formed chip foundry business said today it has achieved a crucial milestone for the chipmaking industry by completing the assembly of the world’s first commercial High...